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Re: π=2 ?! (Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys)


I re-read my first post over to make sure; no reference to macroscopic
(packing's) modulus was done.
Not you, but Hentz did (and Wenjie, Frederic, etc). That's how it comes into the discussion when it comes to comparisons.
 I was merely expressing my surprise over
the weird definition of contact area, since I thought it was generally
accepted that it is cross-section of cylinder between particles
I never considered any contact area. For me contact area is 0, or something negligible versus size of particles. I don't see any cylinder either between grains. My vision is not better, it is just well suited for what I'm doing (uncemented materials).

	//Real Sinit 	= Mathr::PI * std::pow( std::min(Da,Db) , 2);

I am wondering at which point it was commented -- it must have lead to
packing stiffness change by that factor 1.57.

My bad habit of taking one file, changing what I like, and keeping some old commented parts in case I want to know what was there before (I obviously coded the "basic" version starting from the law inherited from SDEC, and actually I think it was my first coding in Yade!).
For sure I'll remove that next time I commit a change in this file.

I could put, a factor 2,3,7,PI,sqrt(2) in front of Kn = ..., it would not change the fact that A is unknown.

Just because we don't define that, it means that anybody is free to
change the logic in Ip2_FM_FM_FP; running the same simulation few weeks
later will give you different results. That is not right.
That would be a problem, but I see no solution. The factor is 1 currently, couldn't be simpler, and _should not_ be modified. Everybody should know (i.e. I'll have to document that) that in this law kn between spheres will be E.d. Similar problem if somebody uses the default value of damping and one day somebody change it : different results. I'm sure we could find many situations less trivial than this.

And currently, _there is no exact theory giving A_. If there was a theory for that, well, we could just quit DEM and go derive equations.
(FYI there is, for some special arrangements
http://www.fisica.ufc.br/hans/p/256.pdf, but that is not our subject

Equation (1) is wrong (for uncemented materials at least). I mean, not "a bit" wrong, totally wrong, as proved by Cambou and many others (cited in the paper), and it is easy to test with DEM (I did that and found dl=0.25*eps*l instead of eq. (1) in my case).

 let me know over which
points we disagree:
1. Contact stiffness is something like a[N]/lengthOfContact[m]

I don't have length of contact in mind more than area of contact. Or, perhaps, say length of contact is size of particles, and keep going.

2. a[N] is some quantity proportional to some particle-defined modulus
(not saying it is E of continuous medium)

3. a is something like Young's modulus [Pa] * b[m²] (by dimensionality)

4. let us take (2r) as lengthOfContact (same radii, for simplicity) (the
most obvious choice)

Ok, we converge here. The thing is, in theorems of dimensional analysis (Buckingam), you really put the basic physical quantities, and size of particles is really the fundamental size in the system, not just an approximation of contact "length".
5. there is a thing Material::young [Pa] (note E below), defined in
Material class; we take is as the value of Young's modulus [Pa] (the
most obvious choice again)
No. E is not "Young" modulus, it is the stiffness of contacts. It is called young because again, I adapted existing code the lazy way, and also because we have same data class for different laws, where the meaning of the data is not the same in each law. For a similar reason, I renamed Poisson -> KsDivKs some time ago in preprocessors. I can't (or can I?) change the name in the data class though.
6. let's call this b[m²] "contact area", since it is area related to the
contact (pure terminology thing)
7. the current equation in yade is: kn=Er=E(2r²)/(2r), so "contact area"
b[m²]=2r². Contrary to other obvious choices (4,5), it is very much
non-obvious what is the geometrical meaning of 2r².
Irrelevant for me : no area and no length.

However, adopting your philosophy (which is as correct as mine I think), I could say that contact area is obviously more than the projection of the grain, since there is void around grains which should be associated to each interaction (the sum of interaction "volumes" should be the total volume of the packing right?). If you consider a regular square packing, it gives a cube of size D for each grain (or each interaction), area = D². The fact that you see an apparent (2r²) instead of D² here is because you ignored the factor "2" multiplying the harmonic average. With that factor, you can write kn=E.D²/D, and the Young modulus of the cube is exactly the E used to define kn. In this special case, you have exactly E=E*.

What I was saying was merely that it would be nicer to use πr² instead
of 2r², which is cross-section area of cylinder between the particles.

I'm happy with D² being the area of the bounding cube, and even more happy to justify the equations whatever the philosophy! :)
I really don't get what sort of cylinder should be considered, sorry.


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