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Thanks Luc!
A specific functor is needed for physics, the main difference being that one is instanciating FrictPhys (kn, ks, friction) while the other generates CapillaryPhys (FrictPhys + water volume, delta1, delta2, etc.). The functor that would be useless would be a geometry functor (where interaction distance can be increased), it would be named now Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom_Water. There was one before but I removed it long time ago.Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_CapillaryLawPhys. Concerning this point, I am not sure if a specific functor for CapillaryLaw is needed, because Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys does exactly the same. I remember Simple...Water was used for distant interactions.
For indentation spaces, I don't know when they were introduced. I just saw some of them in the files and wanted to raise attention on this and on formating in general, as until now we wrote code without paying much attention to format and comments.
Again, be carefull with the word "cohesion", I still see it in the documentation. For instance in CapillaryRelationhipsWater.hpp and elsewhere : "RelationShips to use CapillaryV+CohesiveLaw" (I don't understand what is CapillaryV b.t.w.). Putting this word here and there is a sure way to mislead people on what this law is, and start ill-posed discussions. It is like the word "pipe" for Emanuele... better don't use it at all. When you are done with changes, please doublecheck that the word "cohesion" cannot be found anywhere in the capillary files.
Names and comments should emphasys that CapillaryLaw is not one more contact law, it is a model of fluid forces applied on particles and is independant on the contact law (even though we only used it with the frictional law for now). In reply to a question from Vaclav (a comment somewhere in a file...), capillaryLaw is THE reason to disable requestErase in the contact law. Actually, we have somehow two constitutive laws for each interaction here, so we have to make sure one is not deleting the interaction when the other still needs it.
I second the renamings suggested by Vaclav. Bruno
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