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Re: friction dissipation


    I have one big guess. How can this formulation being incremental
    using trialForce? Let's take a simple case: normal force is set to
    a constant value. Then say that trialForce will increase. In this
    case shearForce is the same since normal force is as well (like
    maintaining constant the maximum elastic shear displacement). If
    any time you get the work done as above, I would say that
    is the total plastic displacement, is it?

No. It is the increment of displacement.

Example :
1) time t : us_total=1, us_elastic=0.1, us_plastic=0.9, fs=0.1*ks
2) assume an increment dus between t and t+dt
3) trialFs = previousFs + dus*ks = us_elastic*ks + dus*ks = ks*(us_elastic+dus)
4) 1/ks*(trialFs-previousFs) = ? .... dus

us_total is never used and remains unknown.



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