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Re: moment law, doing it right


Hi Janek,

Let's try and make something clean this time. ;-)

I need to add two parameters:

- Rolling stiffness coefficient β
- Moment limit coefficient η

Currently β has a fixed value of 2.0 in Ip2_2xCohFrictMat_CohFrictPhys.cpp line 52

Make sure what you want is not already implemented. In that case I think it is, Luc mentionned CFPM, I know Boon also implemented it in CohesionlessMomentRotation (CMR, the Plassiard law). Basically, it is more a question of cleaning/merging. In order to be general, CohFrict would need to integrate rotational friction like in CMR but also offer the possibility of rotational cohesion (currently infinite as you said, let it be anything, even 0 to reproduce CMR).
Where to add it? Should I add it to CohFrictMat.hpp or should I
derive from this class and name it CohFricRollMat ?
I think the best is to add everything in CohFrictMat, including normal and shearCohesion which are currently in the Ip2 functor. We can latter derive a "creep" material adding creep parameters to CohFrictMat.

How to name it? rollingStiffnessCoefficient comes to mind. But could
be also a rollingCoefficient, bendingCoefficient and so on.
"Coefficient" is vague. I'd prefer rolling/twisting+Stiffness/Friction/Cohesion.
So that, for instance :
trialTwist = twistAngle*twistStiffness //elastic behaviour
maxTwist = twistFriction*fn+twistCohesion //elastic limit
if (abs(trialTwist)>maxTwist) {do something, taking into account the "fragile" flag}

I remember you discussing that CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw should be
dissected somehow, into a 2-argument functor, or something else. What
was that?

The different angles and axis of relative rotation could be precomputed so that the constitutive law would only use the values that it currently computes in e.g. Law2_ScGeom_CohFrictPhys_ElasticPlastic::go(). All this should be in an Ig class inheriting from ScGeom and adding the additional DOF's needed by CF law and duplicates. In the end, large blocks of duplicated code can be replaced by just one line accessing the Ig data from inside the contact law.

Last question, why the name Ip2_2xCohFrictMat_CohFrictPhys instead of
Ip2_CohFrictMat_CohFrictMat_CohFrictPhys. Of course the latter is
longer. But is there a fixed convention about that? For instance the
file Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys.hpp  definitely breaks this convention.

I have no opinion.



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