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Suppose sphere and facet in contact, where the facet rotates along axis parallel to the contact normal, so that the contact circumscribes a circle around the facet's rotation center -- will that work?
Yes, of course. Why not?
There must have been a misunderstanding at a point. I thought merging ScGeom and Dem3Dof was clearly an objective for all of us. Anton asked for that once again a few days ago. We discussed that in many mails, and for hours in Prague. That is why I didn't elaborate the reason for merging nor discussed it in mails before commit, I thought the point was clear. I also saw that GenericSphereContact was planned for removal at a point : how would it be removed without merging classes?So, I revert and resume working with ScGeom as usual?Yes, please -- unless you finally say what is the benefit of that change.
Do you remember this discussion on precomputing different things in a unique geometry class, based on flag saying if the functors are incremental or total? You said it would be like emulating inheritance, very true, so I thought using inheritance was smarter than emulating it. In my vision, ScGeom would precompute displacement for incremental laws in contact point paradigm, while Dem3Dof would precompute total strains in continuum-discrete paradigm (not fully consistent, since we have in fact 4 possible combinations with point/continuum vs. incremental/total, but only two combinations are in Yade atm).
Actually, I will not try to proove a real need for merging. I did it only because I felt it was high in the list of TODOs and I was the assignee (like e.g., don't ask me to explain why there is a need to change signs, and why me the assignee). From a productivity point of view, having two different families of geometry classes and functors in the code is really not a problem. I'll be happy with the previous situation.
I need to revert carefully : the same commit contains independant improvments and cleanings in ScGeom (bad mistake). I'll see if I can do it today, it will be soon anyway.
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