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Re: [Yade-users] Optimized collider needs testing


Does it break compilation without cgal? Oh dear... Then it's another bug
sorry (ZECollider is the problem I guess?), cgal is not mandatory.
I'll document the new algorithm to explain parameters, so you can tune
the collider for different problems.
How much speedup do you have in your simulations?


On 28/09/11 08:17, Klaus Thoeni wrote:
> Hi guys,
> don't forget to enable feature cgal before compiling ;-)
> I checked my test with the implementation in branch lp:~bruno-
> chareyre/yade/collide2. Computational speed improves compared to trunk 
> version. Very good! And clumps are working as well.
> Good job Bruno!
> Cheers
> Klaus
> On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 10:43:28 pm Bruno Chareyre wrote:
>> There was indeed a bug with clumps (fixed), but the thing I don't
>> understand is the branch did not contain the changes. Bazaar branches
>> are not quite user-friendly for commits/updates...
>> Klaus, you probably didn't try the good code (but then how did you spot
>> the bug? I'm lost...).
>> Could you send me a copy of the core/bound.hpp you downloaded, just to
>> be sure?
>> Bruno
>> On 26/09/11 10:37, Bruno Chareyre wrote:
>>> (moving to yade-dev)
>>> No guess yet. Thanks for notifying. Which scripts gives the segfault?
>>> B
>>> On 26/09/11 07:43, Klaus Thoeni wrote:
>>>> Hi Bruno,
>>>> I tested your implementation with my examples (dynamic problem with
>>>> about 10000 particles) and the computational time in
>>>> InsertionSortCollider slightly improved as expected.
>>>> However, when running your branch with examples with clumps gives a
>>>> Segmentation Fault. Any guess?
>>>> Klaus
>>>> On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 07:29:02 AM Bruno Chareyre wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I worked on some optimizations of contact detection recently and I
>>>>> would like to get feedback from you to detect possible bugs and
>>>>> confirm the speedup for different applications. If everything is ok,
>>>>> the changes can be part of the next release after some code cleanup
>>>>> and documentation.
>>>>> If you have a chance, could you please download and compile the branch
>>>>> lp:~bruno-chareyre/yade/collide2 (bzr checkout
>>>>> lp:~bruno-chareyre/yade/collide, cd yade, scons, as usual) and try this
>>>>> with your own problems?
>>>>> I would be gratefull if you could report differences in terms of
>>>>> computation speed.
>>>>> I don't expect big improvements for small quasistatic problems. The
>>>>> speedup is more likely to happen on large and/or dynamic problems,
>>>>> where it should range between x2 and x3, or even more in multithread.
>>>>> Some results are reported here:
>>>>> https://yade-dem.org/wiki/Colliders_performace#Improved_InsertionSort
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Bruno

Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
11, rue des Mathématiques
BP 46
38402 St Martin d'Hères, France
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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