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Re: Quaternion question


Thank you, Sergei!

I have also tried this way but with no success. Maybe I do not completely
understand quaternions.
I have attached the small XML file, what I generate. Yellow boxes are ok,
but blue ones needs to be rotated a little bit around its long axis.

Could you not give me an advice?

Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen /  С наилучшими пожеланиями

Anton Gladkyy

2009/5/6 Sergei D. <sj2001@xxxxxxxxx>

> Anton Gladky пишет:
> > Hello all!
> >
> > I have a quaternion question.
> > I have two of them:
> >   Q1 (0, 0, 1, PI/4) (around axis OZ)
> >   Q1 (0, 1, 0, PI/6) (around axis OY)
> > My box should be rotated using first quaternion, and the a second one. It
> is
> > a new topic for me. Can anybody advice me, what should I do to solve this
> > task?
> You can product them:
> if M - first rotation and Q - second rotation, then final rotation R is
> R = Q*M = (q0+q)*(m0+m) = q0 m0 - q Dot m + q0 m + m0 q + q Cross m,
> where q and m is the vector part of quaternions; q0 and m0 is the its
> scalar part.
> I don't know if there is quaternion product from python in YADE
> (Vaclav?), but from c++ it is simply as:
> Quaternion3r Q,M,R;
> R = Q*M;
> ps. Also you can see formulas and references in Appendix of my PhD
> thesis (in russian): http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/714488/DorofeenkoPhD.pdf
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