yade-users team mailing list archive
yade-users team
Mailing list archive
Message #02231
Micro data
Hi All,
In the version yade-0.20-2, the output
macro-data like
iteration s11 s22
s33 e11 e22 e33 unb_force porosity kineticE are available in
WallStresses file by default.
However some essential output
micro-data for e.g. co-ordination number, No.
of sliding contacts, component of contact normal vector, force vector
are not available by default.
For a new user or general user it is
difficult to find out those micro-data. It would be more beneficial
if those data come by default when running a simulation using YADE.
Though the purpose of YADE is for
global users, my question, Why micro-data also
not come by default like macro-data in a file?
I request to add
it in the next release of Yade.
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