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Re: Uniaxial Test results


> I did uniaxial test  with contact law in YADE,  the graph is attached.
> the graph is very bad, I forget anything?
Loading rate? timestep? Do you have contacts created? etc.

> Also, the crossSection from utils.uniaxialTestFeatures() is
> 2*Area(Area is calculated by hand). it is possible?!

Oh yes, it uses hand-written convex hull computation that might be
buggy. Sorry. Better use what you do by hand.

>         InteractionDispatchers(
>                 [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom()],
>                 [Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()],
>                 [Law2_Dem3DofGeom_FrictPhys_Basic()]
>                  ),
>         #GravityEngine(gravity=[0,0,-9.81]),
>         NewtonIntegrator(),
>         UniaxialStrainer(strainRate=-strainRate,axis=axis,asymmetry=0,

What is the use of running uniaxial compression (without confinement) if
you have no cohesion? Without cohesion, spheres will just bounce one in
another and, randomly, you will have some forces at the support -- what
you see on the graph.

Please consider adding fcc pack (call it e.g. regularFaceCubicCentered?)
to py/pack.py (next to regularHexa) if you think it can be useful for
other people as well.

Cheers, v.
