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Re: Search in documentation


I afford me to point you something which seems to me maybe annoying. About the "search" in your documentation : I tried to do a search about REQUIRE_FEATURE (or YADE_REQUIRE_FEATURE), and it returned nothing... Same with google focused on https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/ Whereas it is ("évidemment !") defined here https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/prog.html#automatic-compilation
    Maybe it's linked with the changes in syntax ? I think, if the 
problem appears for other terms ?, that it can be a small problem, what 
do you think ? In fact this problem disappears if I do this search in 
the .pdf version, so it could be a mean to solve this (to precise 
somewhere that it is better to do search in this pdf)
The documentation is generated by sphinx (http://spinx.pocoo.org), you 
can ask them why it does not work.
If I do google search for "YADE_REQUIRE_FEATURE 
site:yade-dem.org/sphinx", I get 
https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/prog.html as the first hit, where is the 