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Re: TimeStep theory ? (and updateIntervalle with H-M)


Writing the 6x6 stiffness matrix of each body is like examining sub-blocs of the global stiffness matrix of the system (which is very sparse and can be put as a thin band matrix). Read PFC3D doc, or this paper for a special case where there is no rotational inertia http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2005)131:7(689). Better discuss in my office because I don't understand all questions below. A mistake on a sqrt(2) factor is always possible, though I would be surprised.


Jerome Duriez a écrit :

I'm focusing on the equations used in GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper. And I would like to link all this with what I've understood in the 1D case of mass spring systems (with the help for example of a former mail of Bruno, quoted in http://www.mail-archive.com/yade-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg00583.html, I did not find the original mail sorry)

The calculation is here apparently based on the diagonal terms, let us say Kd (=stiffness.x/y/z() in the code), of a stifness matrix defined for each body, matrix which takes into account all contacts involving this body. Because, I imagine, that this stifness matrix will appear in the matrixial write of a recursive scheme which would be equivalent to our integration "algorithm".

- So is the condition for the stability of the sheme in 3D coming from the same considerations about stability of recursive sheme as explained former by Bruno ? But by replacing the condition about this real alpha (alpha < 1) by one condition about the diagonal terms of a matrix ?

- If yes, why can we keep this sqrt(2) here in GSTS, while in 1D it was explained that this sqrt(2) has to disappear to take into account opposite motions between bodies ?

"FYI" all these questions because I want to write my kind GSTS for UDEC, and for now UDEC computes a timestep only by Dt = k * sqrt( Min(Mass of elements) / Max(Stifnesses of contact) ), with k = 0.2 generally. So, with few theory behind it seems, but with a smaller timestep at the end (is that also your feeling ?)...

And few more technical questions :
- Chiara : in my use of UDEC my rigidities are also proportionnel to sqrt(u). So I'd be glad to know how you use GSTS in your simulations : wich values of timestepSafetyCoefficient, and timeStepUpdateInterval do you use in your simulations ?

- Vaclav : would it be possible for you to send me also a copy of your thesis (or the paragraphs concerning time steps) ? Note that I finally found this reference http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewContentItem.do?contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkpdf&contentId=878199 (but I could not get the article)

- Bruno (?) : I'm very sorry but I could not find in the code what prevented GSTS to do its job (I saw all this active or isActivated() but I did not find where these things really act)



Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France
Tél : 33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : 33 4 76 82 70 43

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