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[Question #297125]: jointedcohesivefrictionalPM packInGtsSurface example not working?


New question #297125 on Yade:

I was trying to run some of the files in the jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM folder, but I don't see any results that the images in that folder would suggest. For example, if I type in: "yade packInGtsSurface.py", the program just hangs for a while while giving me some warnings:

Welcome to Yade 1.20.0 
TCP python prompt on localhost:9000, auth cookie `udscky'
XMLRPC info provider on http://localhost:21000
Running script packInGtsSurface.py
closed?  True
Vector3(2.9799999995416826e-8,0.9999998808953552,0) Vector3(0.9999999404,2.0000000002092895,1)  | minDim= 0.9999999404  | diameter= 0.09999999404
Best-fit oriented-bounding-box computed for GTS surface, orientation is Quaternion((-0.705495401935404,0.7087144967107664,2.585730613033504e-8),1.962197546817504e-309)
WARN  /build/yade-KKgSmd/yade-1.20.0/pkg/dem/SpherePack.cpp:105 makeCloud: porosity must be >0, changing it for you. It will be ineffective if rMean>0.
WARN  /build/yade-KKgSmd/yade-1.20.0/pkg/dem/Shop_01.cpp:457 PWaveTimeStep: PWaveTimeStep has not found any suitable spherical body to calculate dt. dt is set to 1.0

After I wait about 10 minutes, I decided to cancel the program with ctrl-C, and then the program continues:

^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yade", line 182, in runScript
  File "packInGtsSurface.py", line 32, in <module>
    sp=pack.randomDensePack(pred,radius=radius,rRelFuzz=0.3,useOBB=True,memoizeDb='/tmp/gts-triax-packings.sqlite',returnSpherePack=True) # cropLayers=5 (not to use)
  File "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/yade/py/yade/pack.py", line 472, in randomDensePack
[[ ^L clears screen, ^U kills line. F12 controller, F11 3d view (use h-key for showing help), F10 both, F9 generator, F8 plot. ]]

At this point, I see nothing, so I just exit out:
[0;34mYade [[1;34m1[0;34m]: [0mexit

Based on the readme file, I would expect to see the text file "parallellepiped_10.spheres", but I don't see it. Is there something I need to do in the .py file to make this work?

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