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Message #17231
Re: [Question #668224]: Clarrifying output of tesselationWrapper for pore size
Question #668224 on Yade changed:
Status: Answered => Open
rhaven is still having a problem:
Hi Bruno,
I compibled yade with the additional flag: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-DTWOPHASEFLOW
Then, using the code below I am able to export details about the pore network.
To test it out, I took a packing of many clumps, and exported the pore network, then compressed the packing and exported the pore network again.
I then compare the two PoreBodyRadius.txt files which are saved out by ->savePoreNetwork(), I see there is a minor change, however, most of the pore radii have a value of 3.58352e-09 in both files. (Both files are attached below)
Some hopefully useful info:
Screenshot of packing uncompressed:
PoreBodyRadius.txt uncompressed:
Screenshot of packing compressed:
PoreBodyRadius.txt compressed:
Do you know what I might be missing? Please let me know if I can provide
other clarifying information
many thanks
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