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Message #26420
Re: [Question #699072]: About the examples/ThermalEngine
Question #699072 on Yade changed:
Description changed to:
Dear all,
As discussed in [1],I have installed the Source code and use the yade-2021-03-16.git-61c9069.I ran the script in example/thermalengine and found some new problems after my changes.
The thermoHydroMechanical_coupling.py and flowScenario.py can run as expected.The problem is mainly in noFlowScenario.py.
1.When I run the original script (unchanged), the problem is the same as before: plot is blank and body.State.Temp = Nan.
2.My changes to the script are as follows:
>>#sp = O.bodies.append(ymport.textExt('5cmEdge_1mm.spheres', 'x_y_z_r',color=(0.1,0.1,0.9), material='spheres'))
sp.toSimulation(color=(0.752, 0.752, 0.752),material='spheres')
(That is, change the way the sphere is generated,this is the only change)
Then I ran the script again and was surprised to find that the simulation ran successfully as expected.
However,I changed the num in makeCloud and found the bad thing:when the num=300,the problem mentioned above reappears:plot is blank and body.State.Temp = Nan...
I also tried using randomDensePack,and the problem is the same.
So I guess the problem has something to do with the number of spheres?
The following is the version information in printAllVersions()
Yade version : 2021-03-16.git-61c9069
Yade features : BoostLog RealHP mpmath PrecisionDouble Odeint VTK OpenMP GTS GUI-Qt5 CGAL PFVFLOW PFVFLOW LINSOLV MPI TWOPHASEFLOW FEMLIKE GL2PS LBMFLOW THERMAL PARTIALSAT PotentialParticles PotentialBlocks
Yade config dir: ~/.yade-2021-03-16.git-61c9069
Yade precision : 53 bits, 15 decimal places, with mpmath
Yade RealHP<…> : (15, 33, 45, 60, 120, 150, 300) decimal digits in C++, (15, 33) decimal digits accessible from python
Libraries used :
| library | cmake | C++ |
| ------------- | -------------------- | ------------------ |
| boost | 107100 | 1.71.0 |
| cgal | | 5.1.5 |
| clp | 1.17.5 | 1.17.5 |
| cmake | 3.16.3 | |
| coinutils | 2.11.4 | 2.11.4 |
| compiler | /usr/bin/c++ 9.3.0 | gcc 9.3.0 |
| eigen | 3.3.7 | 3.3.7 |
| freeglut | 2.8.1 | |
| gl | | 20190805 |
| ipython | 7.13.0 | |
| metis | | 5.1.0 |
| mpi | 3.1 | ompi:4.0.3 |
| mpi4py | 3.0.3 | |
| mpmath | 1.1.0 | |
| openblas | | OpenBLAS 0.3.8 |
| python | 3.8.10 | 3.8.10 |
| qglviewer | | 2.6.3 |
| qt | | 5.12.8 |
| sphinx | 1.8.5-final-0 | |
| sqlite | | 3.31.1 |
| suitesparse | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 |
| vtk | 6.3.0 | 6.3.0 |
Linux version : Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Architecture : amd64
Little endian : True
Thanks for your help!
Best regards.
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