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Please take a look at https://dev.launchpad.net/ArchitectureGuide/ServicesAnalysis


Hi y'all.  Robert would really like some kind of feedback from everyone on the team about https://dev.launchpad.net/ArchitectureGuide/ServicesAnalysis (and the launchpad-dev thread he started).  He requested that the feedback come this week.

He said that your feedback could take as little as 30 minutes.  Sadly, I can't pull off much reasonable feedback for something this big in that amount of time, but maybe you can. :-P  In any case, this is a really important initiative that could be exciting for Launchpad as well as for our own personal growth, so paying attention a bit now is warranted.

Given that we are trying to get to a finish line this week, please do timebox your efforts in this regard.  If you think you need more time than your timebox, I suggest that you send Robert a note to let him know that you want a bit more time next week, given our schedule this week.

