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Re: Bug 775691


Hi Gary,

У чет, 23. 06 2011. у 07:46 -0400, Gary Poster пише:
> It sounds like you would estimate this to be at least a week's work
> for you, and more for someone not familiar with the code?  Or maybe
> two weeks for you?

I don't know yet. It might be a half an hour, or two weeks.  This is the
code that I am not familiar with myself, but it's an area that I do care

> While I'm asking for estimates, it sounds like bug 734765 wouldn't
> exactly be trivial itself.  Three or four days for you, more for
> others?

Actually, I don't think it'd be more than a day for me.  At least when
we define the scope for it, and especially so if we don't bother with
fixing all the existing mess of classes (which we shouldn't).

> Does this bug fix need to be coordinated with the other one in any
> way, or are they sufficiently separate so as to not be a worry?

Nope, they are completely separate.

