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Out for standup state-of-the-ape email


Hi folks,

I completely forgot to mention yesterday that I'll be out for the
standup today; I'm meeting some Ubuntu contributor friends for a
Christmas lunch, since they're rarely in this part of Blighty. I'll be
working until ~19:00 UTC to compensate for my absence in the early

And update on bug 808930 for those that want to know:

 - https://pastebin.canonical.com/57517/ is where the trouble
 - I'm thrilled to discover that there are no direct tests
   for this method (though the indirection is only 1 level,
   so it's not so terrible).
 - I'm in the process of poking some tests into place to
   see what comes out.
 - I'll be gleefully cribbing from BranchRevision in order
   to fix this, along with liberal use of LoopTuner and
   WorkingBase to address the transaction and iteration

Graham Binns | PGP Key: EC66FA7D