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[Merge] lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/storagemonitor2 into lp:zeitgeist


Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen has proposed merging lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/storagemonitor2 into lp:zeitgeist.

Requested reviews:
  Zeitgeist Framework Team (zeitgeist)
Related bugs:
  #489194 Implement storage monitor (devices and connectivity)

For more details, see:

Woohoo, finally the storage monitor is ready. It supports uodating the storage table with the values from GIO volume monitors as well as the network state from Connman or NetworkManager which ever is available on the system.

The extension will also populate the 'storage' field of subjects that don't already have one.

So what's missing? Well ZG will raise NotImplementedError if you send it a StorageState that is different from StorageState.Any. So I'll propose another branch that properly supports this.
Your team Zeitgeist Framework Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/storagemonitor2 into lp:zeitgeist.
=== modified file '_zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py	2011-01-17 15:54:47 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 	# Required version of DB schema
 	USER_EXTENSION_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "extensions")

=== modified file '_zeitgeist/engine/extensions/Makefile.am'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/Makefile.am	2010-06-17 20:43:34 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/Makefile.am	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
 app_PYTHON = \
 	__init__.py \
 	blacklist.py \
-	datasource_registry.py
+	datasource_registry.py \
+	storagemonitor.py

=== added file '_zeitgeist/engine/extensions/storagemonitor.py'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/storagemonitor.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/storagemonitor.py	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# -.- coding: utf-8 -.-
+# Zeitgeist
+# Copyright © 2009 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright © 2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import dbus
+import dbus.service
+import gio
+import logging
+from zeitgeist.datamodel import Event
+from _zeitgeist.engine.extension import Extension
+from _zeitgeist.engine import constants
+log = logging.getLogger("zeitgeist.storagemonitor")
+# Storage mediums we need to handle:
+# - USB drives
+# - Data CD/DVDs
+# - Audio CDs
+# - Video DVD
+# - Networked file systems
+# - Online resources
+# A storage medium is  gio.Volume (since this is a physical entity for the user)
+# or a network interface - how ever NetworkManager/ConnMan model these
+# We can not obtain UUIDs for all of the listed gio.Volumes, so we need a
+# fallback chain of identifiers
+# DB schema: 
+# It may be handy for app authors to have the human-readable
+# description at hand. We can not currently easily do this in the
+# current db... We may be able to do this in a new table, not
+# breaking compat with the log db. We might also want a formal type
+# associated with the storage so apps can use an icon for it.
+# A new table and a new object+interface on DBus could facilitate this
+# 'storage' table
+#   id
+#   name
+#   state
+#   +type
+#   +display_name
+# FIXME: We can not guess what the correct ID of CDs and DVDs were when they
+#        are ejected, and also guess "unknown"
+import dbus
+import dbus.service
+import sqlite3
+import gio
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("zeitgeist.storagemonitor")
+from zeitgeist.datamodel import StorageState
+from _zeitgeist.engine.sql import get_default_cursor
+STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/gnome/zeitgeist/storagemonitor"
+STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.gnome.zeitgeist.StorageMonitor"
+class StorageMonitor(Extension, dbus.service.Object):
+	"""
+	The Storage Monitor monitors the availability of network interfaces and
+	storage devices and updates the Zeitgeist database with this information so
+	clients can efficiently query based on the storage identifier and availability
+	of the storage media the event subjects reside on.
+	For storage devices the monitor will use the UUID of the partition that a
+	subject reside on as storage id. For network URIs the storage monitor will
+	use the fixed identifier :const:`net`. For subjects residing on persistent,
+	but unidentifiable, media attached to the computer the id :const:`local`
+	will be used. For URIs that can't be handled the storage id will be set
+	to :const:`unknown`. The :const:`local` and :const:`unknown` storage media
+	are considered to be always in an available state. To determine the
+	availability of the :const:`net` media the monitor will use either Connman
+	or NetworkManager - what ever is available on the host system.
+	For subjects being inserted into the log that doesn't have a storage id set
+	on them this extension will try and figure it out on the fly and update
+	the subject appropriately before its inserted into the log.
+	The storage monitor of the Zeitgeist engine has DBus object path
+	:const:`/org/gnome/zeitgeist/storagemonitor` under the bus name
+	:const:`org.gnome.zeitgeist.Engine`.
+	"""
+	def __init__ (self, engine):		
+		Extension.__init__(self, engine)
+		dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(),
+		                             STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH)
+		self._db = get_default_cursor()
+		mon = gio.VolumeMonitor()
+		# Update DB with all current states
+		for vol in mon.get_volumes():
+			self.add_storage_medium(self._get_volume_id(vol), vol.get_icon().to_string(), vol.get_name())
+		# React to volumes comming and going
+		mon.connect("volume-added", self._on_volume_added)
+		mon.connect("volume-removed", self._on_volume_removed)
+		# Write connectivity to the DB. Dynamically decide whether to use
+		# Connman or NetworkManager
+		if dbus.SystemBus().name_has_owner ("net.connman"):
+			self._network = ConnmanNetworkMonitor(lambda : self.add_storage_medium("net", "stock_internet", "Internet"),
+			                                      lambda : self.remove_storage_medium("net"))
+		elif dbus.SystemBus().name_has_owner ("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"):
+			self._network = NMNetworkMonitor(lambda : self.add_storage_medium("net", "stock_internet", "Internet"),
+			                                 lambda : self.remove_storage_medium("net"))
+		else:
+			log.info("No network monitoring system found (Connman or NetworkManager)."
+			         "Network monitoring disabled")
+	def pre_insert_event (self, event, dbus_sender):
+		"""
+		On-the-fly add subject.storage to events if it is not set
+		"""
+		for subj in event.subjects:
+			if not subj.storage:
+				storage = self._find_storage(subj.uri)
+				#log.debug("Subject %s resides on %s" % (subj.uri, storage))
+				subj.storage = storage
+		return event
+	def _find_storage (self, uri):
+		"""
+		Given a URI find the name of the storage medium it resides on
+		"""
+		uri_scheme = uri.rpartition("://")[0]
+		if uri_scheme in ["http", "https", "ftp", "sftp", "ssh", "mailto"]:
+			return "net"
+		elif uri_scheme == "file":
+			# Note: gio.File.find_enclosing_mount() does not behave
+			#       as documented, but throws errors when no
+			#       gio.Mount is found.
+			#       Cases where we have no mount often happens when
+			#       we are on a non-removable drive , and this is
+			#       the assumption here. We use the stora medium
+			#       'local' for this situation
+			try:
+				mount = gio.File(uri=uri).find_enclosing_mount()
+			except gio.Error:
+				return "local"
+			if mount is None: return "unknown"
+			return self._get_volume_id(mount.get_volume())
+	def _on_volume_added (self, mon, volume):
+		icon = volume.get_icon()
+		if isinstance(icon, gio.ThemedIcon):
+			icon_name = icon.get_names()[0]
+		else:
+			icon_name = ""
+		self.add_storage_medium (self._get_volume_id(volume), icon_name, volume.get_name())
+	def _on_volume_removed (self, mon, volume):
+		self.remove_storage_medium (self._get_volume_id(volume))
+	def _get_volume_id (self, volume):
+		"""
+		Get a string identifier for a gio.Volume. The id is constructed
+		as a "best effort" since we can not always uniquely identify
+		volumes, especially audio- and data CDs are problematic.
+		"""
+		volume_id = volume.get_uuid()
+		if volume_id : return volume_id
+		volume_id = volume.get_identifier("uuid")
+		if volume_id : return volume_id
+		volume_id = volume.get_identifier("label")
+		if volume_id : return volume_id
+		volume_id = volume.get_name()
+		if volume_id : return volume_id
+		return "unknown"
+	def add_storage_medium (self, medium_name, icon, display_name):
+		"""
+		Mark storage medium as available in the Zeitgeist DB
+		"""
+		if isinstance(icon,gio.Icon):
+			icon = icon.to_string()
+		elif not isinstance(icon, basestring):
+			raise TypeError, "The 'icon' argument must be a gio.Icon or a string"
+		log.debug("Setting storage medium %s '%s' as available" % (medium_name, display_name))
+		try:
+			self._db.execute("INSERT INTO storage (value, state, icon, display_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (medium_name, StorageState.Available, icon, display_name))
+		except sqlite3.IntegrityError, e:
+			try:
+				self._db.execute("UPDATE storage SET state=?, icon=?, display_name=? WHERE value=?", (StorageState.Available, icon, display_name, medium_name))
+			except:
+				log.warn("Error updating storage state for '%s': %s" % (medium_name, e))
+				self._db.connection.rollback()
+		self._db.connection.commit()
+		# Notify DBus that the storage is available
+		self.StorageAvailable(medium_name, { "available" : True,
+		                                     "icon" : icon or "",
+		                                     "display-name" : display_name or ""})
+	def remove_storage_medium (self, medium_name):
+		"""
+		Mark storage medium  as `not` available in the Zeitgeist DB
+		"""
+		log.debug("Setting storage medium %s as not available" % medium_name)
+		try:
+			self._db.execute("INSERT INTO storage (value, state) VALUES (?, ?)", (medium_name, StorageState.NotAvailable))
+		except sqlite3.IntegrityError, e:
+			try:
+				self._db.execute("UPDATE storage SET state=? WHERE value=?", (StorageState.NotAvailable, medium_name))
+			except:
+				log.warn("Error updating storage state for '%s': %s" % (medium_name, e))
+				self._db.connection.rollback()
+		self._db.connection.commit()
+		# Notify DBus that the storage is unavailable
+		self.StorageUnavailable(medium_name)
+	@dbus.service.method(STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_INTERFACE,
+	                     out_signature="a(sa{sv})")
+	def GetStorages (self):
+		"""
+		Retrieve a list describing all storage media known by the Zeitgeist daemon.
+		A storage medium is indetified by a key - as set in the subject
+		:const:`storage` field. For each storage id there is a dict of properties
+		that will minimally include the following: :const:`available` with a boolean
+		value, :const:`icon` a string with the name of the icon to use for the
+		storage medium, and :const:`display-name` a string with a human readable
+		name for the storage medium.
+		The DBus signature of the return value of this method is :const:`a(sa{sv})`.
+		"""
+		storage_mediums = []
+		storage_data = self._db.execute("SELECT value, state, icon, display_name FROM storage").fetchall()
+		for row in storage_data:
+			if not row[0] : continue
+			storage_mediums.append((row[0],
+			                       { "available" : bool(row[1]),
+			                         "icon" : row[2] or "",
+			                         "display-name" : row[3] or ""}))
+		return storage_mediums
+	@dbus.service.signal(STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_INTERFACE,
+	                     signature="sa{sv}")
+	def StorageAvailable (self, storage_id, storage_description):
+		"""
+		The Zeitgeist daemon emits this signal when the storage medium with id
+		:const:`storage_id` has become available.
+		The second parameter for this signal is a dictionary containing string
+		keys and variant values. The keys that are guaranteed to be there are
+		:const:`available` with a boolean value, :const:`icon` a string with the
+		name of the icon to use for the storage medium, and :const:`display-name`
+		a string with a human readable name for the storage medium.
+		The DBus signature of this signal is :const:`sa{sv}`.
+		"""
+		pass
+	@dbus.service.signal(STORAGE_MONITOR_DBUS_INTERFACE,
+	                     signature="s")
+	def StorageUnavailable (self, storage_id):
+		"""
+		The Zeitgeist daemon emits this signal when the storage medium with id
+		:const:`storage_id` is no longer available.
+		The DBus signature of this signal is :const:`s`.
+		"""
+		pass
+class NMNetworkMonitor:
+	"""
+	Checks whether there is a funtioning network interface via
+	NetworkManager (requires NM >= 0.8).
+	See http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/spec-08.html
+	"""
+	NM_BUS_NAME = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
+	NM_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
+	NM_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"
+	def __init__ (self, on_network_up, on_network_down):
+		log.debug("Creating NetworkManager network monitor")
+		if not callable(on_network_up):
+			raise TypeError((
+				"First argument to NMNetworkMonitor constructor "
+				"must be callable, found %s" % on_network_up))
+		if not callable(on_network_down):
+			raise TypeError((
+				"Second argument to NMNetworkMonitor constructor "
+				"must be callable, found %s" % on_network_up))
+		self._up = on_network_up
+		self._down = on_network_down
+		proxy = dbus.SystemBus().get_object(NetworkMonitor.NM_BUS_NAME,
+		                                    NetworkMonitor.NM_OBJECT_PATH)
+		self._props = dbus.Interface(proxy, dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+		self._nm = dbus.Interface(proxy, NetworkMonitor.NM_IFACE)
+		self._nm.connect_to_signal("StateChanged", self._on_state_changed)
+		# Register the initial state
+		state = self._props.Get(NetworkMonitor.NM_IFACE, "State")
+		self._on_state_changed(state)
+	def _on_state_changed(self, state):
+		log.debug("NetworkManager network state: %s" % state)
+		if state == NetworkMonitor.NM_STATE_CONNECTED:
+			self._up ()
+		else:
+			self._down()
+class ConnmanNetworkMonitor:
+	"""
+	Checks whether there is a funtioning network interface via Connman
+	"""
+	CM_BUS_NAME = "net.connman"
+	CM_IFACE = "net.connman.Manager"
+	def __init__ (self, on_network_up, on_network_down):
+		log.debug("Creating Connman network monitor")
+		if not callable(on_network_up):
+			raise TypeError((
+				"First argument to ConnmanNetworkMonitor constructor "
+				"must be callable, found %s" % on_network_up))
+		if not callable(on_network_down):
+			raise TypeError((
+				"Second argument to ConnmanNetworkMonitor constructor "
+				"must be callable, found %s" % on_network_up))
+		self._up = on_network_up
+		self._down = on_network_down
+		proxy = dbus.SystemBus().get_object(ConnmanNetworkMonitor.CM_BUS_NAME,
+		                                    ConnmanNetworkMonitor.CM_OBJECT_PATH)
+		self._cm = dbus.Interface(proxy, ConnmanNetworkMonitor.CM_IFACE)
+		self._cm.connect_to_signal("StateChanged", self._on_state_changed)
+		#
+		# ^^ There is a bug in some Connman versions causing it to not emit the
+		#    net.connman.Manager.StateChanged signal. We take our chances this
+		#    instance is working properly :-)
+		#
+		# Register the initial state
+		state = self._cm.GetState()
+		self._on_state_changed(state)
+	def _on_state_changed(self, state):
+		log.debug("Connman network state is '%s'" % state)
+		if state == "online":
+			self._up ()
+		else:
+			self._down()

=== modified file '_zeitgeist/engine/sql.py'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py	2011-01-17 15:54:47 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -242,7 +242,9 @@
 			 value VARCHAR UNIQUE,
-			 state INTEGER)
+			 state INTEGER,
+			 icon VARCHAR,
+			 display_name VARCHAR)

=== modified file '_zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_3_4.py'
--- _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_3_4.py	2011-02-09 14:00:20 +0000
+++ _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_3_4.py	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,27 @@
 # upgrading from db version 3 to 4
-# FIXME: Add description of upgrade changes
+# Changes:
+# * Appends to new rows to the 'storage' table that is needed by the new
+#   storgaemonitor extension. This is actually backwards compatible.
+from zeitgeist.datamodel import StorageState
 def run(cursor):
-	pass
+	# Add the new columns for the storage table
+	cursor.execute ("ALTER TABLE storage ADD COLUMN icon VARCHAR")
+	cursor.execute ("ALTER TABLE storage ADD COLUMN display_name VARCHAR")
+	# Add the default storage mediums 'UNKNOWN' and 'local' and set them
+	# as always available
+	cursor.execute("INSERT INTO storage (value, state) VALUES ('unknown', ?)", (StorageState.Available,))
+	unknown_storage_rowid = cursor.lastrowid
+	cursor.execute("INSERT INTO storage (value, state) VALUES ('local', ?)", (StorageState.Available,))
+	# Set all subjects that are already in the DB to have 'unknown' storage
+	# That way they will always be marked as available. We don't have a chance
+	# of properly backtracking all items, so we use this as a clutch
+	cursor.execute("UPDATE event SET subj_storage=? WHERE subj_storage IS NULL", (unknown_storage_rowid, ))
+	cursor.connection.commit()

=== modified file 'doc/zeitgeist/source/dbus_api.rst'
--- doc/zeitgeist/source/dbus_api.rst	2010-03-04 19:24:04 +0000
+++ doc/zeitgeist/source/dbus_api.rst	2011-02-10 12:31:04 +0000
@@ -107,3 +107,9 @@
 .. autoclass:: _zeitgeist.engine.extensions.datasource_registry.DataSourceRegistry
     :members: RegisterDataSource, GetDataSources, SetDataSourceEnabled, DataSourceEnabled, DataSourceRegistered, DataSourceDisconnected
+.. autoclass:: _zeitgeist.engine.extensions.storagemonitor.StorageMonitor
+    :members: GetStorages, StorageAvailable, StorageUnavailable

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