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Re: Dialog to control stand alone server



I have downloaded pyzim-0.42.tar.gz and tested it a little bit on
Ubuntu 8.10 x86 with Python 2.5.2.

Below are the errors that I noticed. I can file bug reports for them
if you advise me on which ones should be filed.

$ ./tests.py -- returned "ok" for all tests and ran really fast.

$ ./setup.py build -- ran with no errors

$ sudo ./setup.py install -- did the job, but had an error on the last line:
error: can't copy 'zim.desktop': doesn't exist or not a regular file

I have multiple zim notebooks on my laptop and I see that if I run
zim.py without specifying a notebook, it fails to guess the default
one. Exceptions differ for --gui and --server:

$ python zim.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "zim.py", line 195, in <module>
  File "zim.py", line 189, in main
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/__init__.py", line 139, in main
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/__init__.py", line 230, in
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/notebookdialog.py", line
221, in __init__
    self.combobox = DefaultNotebookComboBox(self.treeview.get_model())
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/notebookdialog.py", line
137, in __init__
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/notebookdialog.py", line
154, in do_model_changed
    iter = model.get_default()
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/gui/notebookdialog.py", line
54, in get_default
    default = self.notebooks['_default_']
KeyError: '_default_'

$ python zim.py --server
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/www.py", line 273, in <lambda>
    lambda *a: self.do_accept_request())
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/www.py", line 331, in do_accept_request
    self.serve(path, wfile)
  File "/home/emilis/work/pyzim/042/zim/www.py", line 219, in serve
    assert False, 'TODO dispatch multiple notebooks'
AssertionError: TODO dispatch multiple notebooks

^^^ server starts without any warnings, but when you try to access it,
there is no response and the AssertionError mentioned above appears:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

$ zim.py --server /home/emilis/zim/

Starts ok and serves pages.

However I also noticed a couple of errors:

1. For every page request I get "No such parameter: file" in server
console output.

2. Current HTML export filter will have to change :-). "* " for lists
is not acceptable and <p> should wrap long lines (white-space: pre is
not the best solution IMHO).

3. Server fails to serve pages with unicode names. E.g.:
url in Firefox:
page output:
Page not found: :Seima:sveikata:%C5%A0e%C5%A1kin%C4%97s_poliklinika

$ zim.py --gui /home/emilis/zim/

Started blazingly fast (as expected). I see that it is in a very early
stage, so I will mention only a couple of errors:

1. Annoying: when I try to expand branches in Index, the application
does not expand the branch on the first click, but switches to the
page I'm trying to expand.

2. View -> [ ] Index is checked when no Index is visible and unchecked
when Index is visible. Works independently of what method you use --
menu or F9.

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Jaap Karssenberg
<jaap.karssenberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> All,
> As part of the rewrite I'm working on zim will also feature a (read-only)
> web interface. One option is to run zim as stand alone server, so  no need
> to install a separate webserver etc. Of course we need a nice graphical
> dialog to control this to make it even more user friendly.
> Now I do have the basic server up and running as well as a functioning
> dialog. A screenshot can be found here: http://pardus.nl/tmp . However -as
> anyone looking at the screenshot will notice- the dialog still looks quite
> rough. I'm open for feedback on how to improve the layout of this dialog.
> Additionally I think this will also need it's own application icon, probably
> some combination of the zim icon with a globe. If anyone feels like drawing,
> I'm open to input.
> Regards,
> Jaap
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Emilis Dambauskas

gsm: +370-686-07732
irc: emilis_info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Version: 3.12
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Follow ups
