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Re: [Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 191: blueprints:ie6-compliance, low-res. Other js fixes for all browsers... Author: Zafar, Bharath, Sei...



> Hmm.. It is nice to have these transparent PNGs, and way more flexible than
> merging in the background. This would require us to do this for all skins as
> well. If we want to change the logo it's better to be able to do it one
> place. MS just released IE8, we shouldn't put TOO much effort in serving
> IE6. I would very much like to have it the way it was...

I wouldn't believe the necessity for IE6 if I had not seen it with my
eyes... A training session in HP made me realize that it can be difficult
for people to ask them to download Firefox and XP comes default with IE6.
They won't get updates without the internet and everywhere vanilla XP
without any service packs... Thats what motivated me to get this fix done

I tried JavaScript to get the png and some CSS hacks... but it made some
parts slow and hence removed the transparency... and we aren't really
re-using most images (eg. different images in login.html and header)

>  Sure I see. I'm just saying its a little dangerous to remove things from
> the common javascript files as we are not getting errors until runtime if
> things are broken. Maybe a grep on the code base would be nice here. Can't
> think of any places it is used though.

I did that search through Netbeans on the core modules before deleting the
function. Just requesting others, if I missed someplace

> OK fine. But as far as I know there are other places with similar code
> (datamart, report table etc), is this working?

No. In datamart, I worked only for a minute and then realized, we didn't use
it in India and same with the dashboard, report tables. Will make those work
in IE6 in the nextphase of fixes.

> Well I believe most web-pages adhere to this, and I think it looks much
> better, yes...

Will make the padding symmetric then ;-)

> Might be, but all javascripts in the system are written similar to the java
> code style, and it looks weird with different styles. If there are strong
> arguments for changing the style that is fine with me, but then everything
> should be changed.

I learnt the Java code styles from Java 1.2 ... You can look
and probably here<http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html>.
There will never be any strong argument for or against one's style. It is
philosophically what makes us human!! I just followed the norm and DHIS code
base doesn't seem to follow that ;-)

Follow ups
