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Re: [Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 191: blueprints:ie6-compliance, low-res. Other js fixes for all browsers... Author: Zafar, Bharath, Sei...


> I wouldn't believe the necessity for IE6 if I had not seen it with my
> eyes... A training session in HP made me realize that it can be difficult
> for people to ask them to download Firefox and XP comes default with IE6.
> They won't get updates without the internet and everywhere vanilla XP
> without any service packs... Thats what motivated me to get this fix done
> asap.

Yes but if we are able to deploy DHIS 2 we will definitely be able to deploy
Firefox. Just bundle it with your CDs.

> I tried JavaScript to get the png and some CSS hacks... but it made some
> parts slow and hence removed the transparency... and we aren't really
> re-using most images (eg. different images in login.html and header)

Yes we are re-using the logo for most skins. I will rollback this if no one
else do it.

>>  Sure I see. I'm just saying its a little dangerous to remove things from
>> the common javascript files as we are not getting errors until runtime if
>> things are broken. Maybe a grep on the code base would be nice here. Can't
>> think of any places it is used though.
> I did that search through Netbeans on the core modules before deleting the
> function. Just requesting others, if I missed someplace

>> OK fine. But as far as I know there are other places with similar code
>> (datamart, report table etc), is this working?
> No. In datamart, I worked only for a minute and then realized, we didn't
> use it in India and same with the dashboard, report tables. Will make those
> work in IE6 in the nextphase of fixes.

You are not using datamart in India???

This is not a big case, but remember you are working on a global project.
You benefit from efforts from the rest of the network. Then you should take
some time to contribute back to the global system. Again, not a big case,
but an important principle.

> Well I believe most web-pages adhere to this, and I think it looks much
>> better, yes...
> Will make the padding symmetric then ;-)

Thank you.

>> Might be, but all javascripts in the system are written similar to the
>> java code style, and it looks weird with different styles. If there are
>> strong arguments for changing the style that is fine with me, but then
>> everything should be changed.
> I learnt the Java code styles from Java 1.2 ... You can look here<http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConventions.doc3.html#262>.
> and probably here<http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html>.
> There will never be any strong argument for or against one's style. It is
> philosophically what makes us human!! I just followed the norm and DHIS code
> base doesn't seem to follow that ;-)

You are missing my point. Yes, Sun has a different code style than DHIS. I
don't have any strong preference in any direction. But things should look
the same.
