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Re: Formulas and connections between DataElements and Indicators


Hi guys,

here again with this issue!

Maybe I came up with other potential solution: As I have defined a custom
form and introduced some javascript code on it, I can get the control when
the user click on the "complete" button as it follows right?:

document.getElementById("completeButton").onclick=function(){ .......};

I know is not like very elegant, but if we want to automate the calculation
of the final score and save it as a dataelement (using the Web API) when
the user clicks on the "complete" button ... Could this be a good solution?
What do you think? Again, I am not an expert.

Other question: We need to collect this data also with mobiles. Is there a
way to let the system know that a form is completed? Because, in the mobile
interfaces there is no a complete button, right? (please correct me if i am

Many thanks

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Jose Garcia Muñoz <josemp10@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Many thanks Knut, Jason,
> Yes, I understand the two options (apps + WebAPI, and triggers). I would
> like to explore a bit about the possibilities of creating and using an app.
> As I have never seen one embedded into DHIS2, do you have some code example
> to look at?
> Of course, I will let you know about how the things are going!
> Thank you!
> Jose
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jose,
>> There are many ways to skin a cat, and as Knut says, creating an "App" is
>> one way to possibly achieve this. I personally have no idea how to do this,
>> but could imagine it would be possible in some way.
>> Maybe Lars or the other devs can comment, but I am thinking the easiest
>> way would be to somehow calculate your indicator when the "Complete" button
>> is pressed, and save this effectively as a data value. This indicator might
>> take the form of  a hidden field, but would be posted back to the
>> application and saved as a normal data value when the "On-complete" button
>> is pressed. The advantage with this of course is that all of the values
>> would be available through the normal analytics resources. I do not know
>> exactly how this could be done, but if the indicator would be calculated on
>> the fly and then effectively treated as a data value and posted back to the
>> application when the complete button is pressed, it would seem to be the
>> easiest method I think. Since indicators can already be inserted into a
>> form, it would seem like little code required to calculate the value from
>> the data elements, and then post it back through the WebAPI and save it as
>> a data value. Again, just hypothesizing, but it would seem to be possible.
>> The other option (which I would likely prefer given my choice of tools)
>> would be a trigger which would happen when a record is inserted into the
>> "completedatasetregistration" table. This happens when the user completes
>> the records, so it is certainly possible to create a trigger from such an
>> action. Thinking though the code, you could detect when  a record is
>> completed, and then create a stored procedure to calculate the indicator
>> from  the values. I see a few problems with this though, and one of them is
>> the parsing of the indicators. There are robust methods to do this in Java,
>> but you would need to develop methods to parse out the indicator into
>> something which could be used with PLSQL. Not really sure it would be worth
>> it.
>> Would be interested to see what you come up with.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Jose Garcia Muñoz <josemp10@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> Many thanks Jason,
>>> we plan to present the information to the users as dataelements
>>> associated to a period, Org. unit, and forms. So, we have different forms
>>> with a questionnaire and for each one we create also a dataelement, not
>>> editable for the users, to store the value of the indicator. This was the
>>> initial plan. So, when the indicator (score) is calculated we want to
>>> "copy" that value inside the that dataelement (using a trigger in the
>>> database).
>>> The ideal solution would be to generate all this process automatically
>>> when the user completes the questionnaire, but I think that it is not
>>> possible right? So, in my understanding the options are:
>>> 1) As you said before, run the datamart, and with a trigger get the
>>> value of the indicator already stored in the database, and copying to our
>>> dataelement.
>>> and maybe...??
>>> 2) Create a script that could use the analytic API to get the current
>>> value of the score. Could be also a valid approach?
>>> Maybe I am missing something (I am not an expert in this area of DHIS2),
>>> Any other ideas or suggestions?
>>> Thanks
>>> Jose
>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>> The completeddatasetgregistration object is not really important in
>>>> this case (well it might be, but not sure). The point I was trying to make
>>>> was the use of triggers when a value is inserted into a table. I have not
>>>> started to pick apart the analytics stuff yet to even know whether or not
>>>> the values actually exist there but I suppose you could use the datamart to
>>>> get the value, and then create an auditing mechanism to keep track of all
>>>> values. The problem with the auditing tables is they typically tend to be
>>>> really huge, so I am sure the procedure would need to be significantly
>>>> different than what I have illustrated, but the approach might be worth
>>>> attempting. Probably not really challenging from a code standpoint, but
>>>> making sense of what comes out of the SP, and presenting it back to the
>>>> users in a digestible format might be a big challenge.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Jose Garcia Muñoz <josemp10@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Many thanks Jason, Bob,
>>>>> Bob, I get your point, but the tricky part is that the final score is
>>>>> not calculated as a sum of the answers of the dataset, because also each
>>>>> question (I mean each "trueOnly" DE) has associated a weight, so the final
>>>>> score is = W1*Q1 + W2*Q2 + ... Wn*Qn. So in the future not only the number
>>>>> of questions could change (that will be slightly easier to deal with, as
>>>>> you could define a generic SP no matter the number of questions the dataset
>>>>> contain), but also the weights could change and there is no chance to
>>>>> generalize the formula. So that was my reason to try to define one
>>>>> indicator (with a formula defined by the local DHIS users), copy the
>>>>> indicator value into a dataelement, as the formula could change in the
>>>>> future but still we need to maintain the old values of the scores.
>>>>> Jason, we don't know if the value is finalized but it is not really
>>>>> important. What we'd like to do is to let the users to know the score of
>>>>> one specific period of time no matter which formula is used in the present.
>>>>> But yes, maybe one trigger on the completedatasetregistration would make
>>>>> part of the job. Many thanks for the code, I will try to follow and
>>>>> understand it :)
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>>>> I do not understand exactly what you are trying to do. It sounds a
>>>>>> bit tricky, but if I understand correctly, you would like to somehow
>>>>>> preserve the original state of your indicator, in spite of the fact that
>>>>>> you may want to change it at a later point in time. I think this is
>>>>>> particularly difficult to do. Creating a table of inserted values is fairly
>>>>>> simple using a function similar to the one below. This SP will insert
>>>>>> records into a separate table called
>>>>>> "pricate.completeddatasetregistration_new_records, whenever a record is
>>>>>> inserted into the "completeddatasetregistration" table. This is a pretty
>>>>>> typical approach to create an audit table. I am guessing that you could
>>>>>> create an audit table of your indicators, and then create a separate
>>>>>> function to prune out all values except the first one (which would know
>>>>>> through a time stamp). However, the problem with this approach is, you may
>>>>>> not really know if this value is the "final" value or not; the data might
>>>>>> change, and in this case, the indicator value would need to change (but not
>>>>>> because of a change to the indicator formula).
>>>>>> Sounds pretty complex to me. How do you know when the value is
>>>>>> finalized and will never be changed again?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>> SQL below..
>>>>>> Here is the SP which inserts the records into another table.
>>>>>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION completedatasetregistration_new()
>>>>>>   RETURNS trigger AS
>>>>>> $BODY$
>>>>>> DECLARE
>>>>>>  changed boolean;
>>>>>> BEGIN
>>>>>>    INSERT INTO
>>>>>> private.completedatasetregistration_new_records(datasetid,
>>>>>> periodid,sourceid,
>>>>>> date, storedby)
>>>>>>    VALUES (new.datasetid, new.periodid,new.sourceid,
>>>>>> now(),new.storedby);
>>>>>>    RETURN new;
>>>>>> END;
>>>>>> $BODY$
>>>>>>   LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE
>>>>>>   COST 100;
>>>>>> ALTER FUNCTION completedatasetregistration_new()
>>>>>>   OWNER TO postgres;
>>>>>> Here is the trigger function  attached to the
>>>>>> "completeddatasetregistration" table...only after an insert.
>>>>>> CREATE TRIGGER inserts_completedatasetregistration
>>>>>>   ON completedatasetregistration
>>>>>>   FOR EACH ROW
>>>>>>   EXECUTE PROCEDURE completedatasetregistration_new();
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Jose Garcia Muñoz <
>>>>>> josemp10@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Bob!
>>>>>>> You are right in the sense that the indicator becomes redundant, but
>>>>>>> I think we will still need it because we can train the end-users in the use
>>>>>>> of formulas and indicators inside DHIS2, but stored procedures is quite
>>>>>>> hard if they don't have much technical skills. So the idea I think is to
>>>>>>> define a function in plpgsql to make a copy of the value of the indicator
>>>>>>> into the dataelement (knowing the period and source of course) linking the
>>>>>>> function to a trigger. Please correct me if I am wrong, as I don't have
>>>>>>> much experience using triggers.
>>>>>>> Also, when you introduce an indicator into a dataset, when does the
>>>>>>> indicator update its value? (when you click in the complete button of the
>>>>>>> dataentry maybe?) and which table stores the value of the indicator?
>>>>>>> (attributevalue?)
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Bob Jolliffe <
>>>>>>> bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>>>>> Copying to devs list as there may be greater wisdom there :-)
>>>>>>>>  I think your approach can work .. ie store your historical scores
>>>>>>>> as dataelement.
>>>>>>>> Regarding regenerating the formula, again I think you are right and
>>>>>>>> will have to resort to a database function as I can't think of an easy
>>>>>>>> workaround through the application and you really don't want to do these
>>>>>>>> manually.
>>>>>>>> Though I start to think that if you go down this route perhaps the
>>>>>>>> indicator becomes redundant.  You will have your formula as stored proc in
>>>>>>>> database and can probably use that to populate your "score" dataelement
>>>>>>>> directly.
>>>>>>>> Bob
>>>>>>>> On 14 July 2013 12:15, Jose Garcia Muñoz <josemp10@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>>> How are you doing?
>>>>>>>>> first at all, maybe I should send this email to the dev user list,
>>>>>>>>> if so, sorry about that and please feel free to resend it.
>>>>>>>>> I am dealing with several forms in DHIS2 with all its DE of the
>>>>>>>>> "trueOnly" type value. For each form, one final score is calculated
>>>>>>>>> depending on the number of questions answered by the users and one weight
>>>>>>>>> associated for each question. Of course, we have defined an indicator to
>>>>>>>>> calculate this value. But, what about when the number of questions (or the
>>>>>>>>> different weights) change along the time (so the formula needs to be
>>>>>>>>> redefined) and we still need to maintain the historical score of the "old"
>>>>>>>>> formulas?
>>>>>>>>> We were thinking about the possibility of creating a data element
>>>>>>>>> for each form to store the historical scores. Does it make sense? If so,
>>>>>>>>> the big challenge will be the connection of the indicator (when its value
>>>>>>>>> is calculated) with the Data Element. Some ideas about how could I deal
>>>>>>>>> with this? Create a trigger inside the database (with an 'on completion'
>>>>>>>>> event)?
>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>> Jose
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