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Message #49138
Re: [Dhis2-users] DHIS2 users list from SQL View
Hi there.
We have had enough security problems lately, It may not be a good idea to
encourage even more of them.
This is a "good" way around the security attempts which have put in place,
but its a very bad idea to have this table as an SQL view. This was the
entire reason of why we attempted to protect it from direct access via SQL
views, but, the regular expression which does this does not catch the use
of the schema name. We will fix it
Of course, its easy enough to dump the password hash out with a small
change to the SQL view, but you would probably not want to do this.
See below for an example with a small modification to your SQL view.
- "admin",
- "$2a$10$wjLPViry3bkYEcjwGRqnYO1bT2Kl.ZY0kO.fwFDfMX53hitfx5.3C",
- "Traore",
- "John",
- "someone@xxxxxxxxx",
- "",
- "2017-04-11 13:24:55.914",
- "2013-04-18 17:15:08.401",
- "false",
- "MNCH / PNC (Adult Woman) program",
- "ZyjSDLHGPv4"
On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Raminosoa Rabemanantsoa, Tantely <
traminosoa@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Harivola,
> Thank you very much for the SQL scripts querying the users information.
> The syntax is accepted by SQL View, but I am a bit encountering a blank
> result as illustrated by the attached file. I am wondering where I am doing
> wrong?
> Thank you for your help!
> Regards,
> Tantely.
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Harivola RANDRIANJAFY <harivolar@xxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Tantely,
>> Below the SQL View :
>> "public".users.username,
>> "public".userinfo.surname,
>> "public".userinfo.firstname,
>> "public".userinfo.email,
>> "public".userinfo.phonenumber,
>> "public".users.lastlogin,
>> "public".users.created,
>> "public".users.disabled,
>> "public".userrole."name",
>> "public".users.uid
>> "public".users
>> INNER JOIN "public".userinfo ON "public".users.userid =
>> "public".userinfo.userinfoid
>> INNER JOIN "public".userrole ON "public".userrole.userid =
>> "public".userinfo.userinfoid
>> Thanks,
>> Harivola
>> *De :* Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+harivolar=
>> psi.mg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *De la part de* Raminosoa Rabemanantsoa,
>> Tantely
>> *Envoyé :* lundi 10 avril 2017 17:19
>> *À :* DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; DHIS 2
>> Developers list <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Objet :* [Dhis2-users] DHIS2 users list from SQL View
>> Dear Community,
>> I would like to output from SQL View a list of all DHIS2 users by using
>> headers like the information listed by the users details information, like
>> illustrated by the image below (inside red ellipse).
>> I am using DHIS2 2.24. I would like to check the users table fields but I
>> could not output any information from the following query
>> select * from users;
>> as trhere are some protected info.
>> My question is in which fields should I base the SQL query to output such
>> information?
>> Thank you for your support,
>> Regards,
>> Tantely
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Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx

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