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Message #03372
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
Ok, let me explain myself...
Assume i am collecting data with regard to facility Assessment and my data
1) "Lighting and ventilation is observed to be adequate" (YES/NO)
2) "General state of facility" (Option Set) --i) Poor ii) Fair iii) Average
3) "Additional notes related to facility" (string)
4) Does the facility have Handwashing Faility (YES/NO) * This only mean we
want to make sure each facility has a handwashing facility
This will be done by a District Public Health Officer. You can aggregate
this about the facility. I can actually create a form for the DPHO to enter
the data for his monthly facility assessment for each facility. The chief
DPHO wants a report about each facility. The data is stored into the value
Value Count is a good idea but i don't want a count but the actual value
for analysis
I don't need a count but a
On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 7:33 PM, Murod Latifov <mlatifov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> I do not understand for large on what you mean with "raw data" but can say
> if you are not looking for aggregated data for the sake of SQL
> requirements, just use count(1 as nothing) or count(value as value)
> avoiding type cast issues.
> best,
> murod
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Felix Obareh <fobareh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Thank you people for you input..
>> If i can clarify that the query is to pick raw data that otherwise is
>> recorded but we cannot retrieve because its not aggregated. This data would
>> include the following
>> Here is my full query:-
>> select county.name as county,subcounty.name as subcounty,division.nameas division,
>> sublocation.name as sublocation, ou.name as facility,triggerstate.value
>> as triggerstate
>> from organisationunit ou
>> left outer join _orgunitstructure ous
>> on (ou.organisationunitid=ous.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join organisationunit county
>> on (ous.idlevel2=county.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join organisationunit subcounty
>> on (ous.idlevel3=subcounty.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join organisationunit division
>> on (ous.idlevel4= division.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join organisationunit location
>> on (ous.idlevel5=location.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join organisationunit Sublocation
>> on (ous.idlevel6=sublocation.organisationunitid)
>> left outer join (
>> * select sourceid, sum(cast(value as double precision)) as value*
>> from datavalue
>> where dataelementid=8305
>> group by sourceid) as triggerstate on
>> triggerstate.sourceid=ou.organisationunitid
>> where ous.level=7
>> ========
>> ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "false"
>> ********** Error **********
>> ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "false"
>> SQL state: 22P02
>> ======
>> I want to just get the list of facilities trigger states Trues/False ---I
>> dont need aggregated data because the other elements i would want to
>> include are date, i have an element with option type (with text) also
>> stored into value table. I need to retrieve that and create a report.
>> I can't use the * select sourceid, sum(cast(value as double precision))
>> as value --- *To get the raw data
>> A good test is to use the Siera Leone demo and create a query to display
>> the facility assessment raw data.
>> 1) "General state of facility"
>> 2) "Lighting and ventilation is observed to be adequate"
>> Cheers
>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Murod,
>>> Just trying to keep it focused on the original topic, but it seems you
>>> want to persist. The initial part of this post was about getting out text
>>> data (read the title). In this case, there is no need for any casting or
>>> aggregation. Period.
>>> That regex you post again unfortunately will also not work in many
>>> cases , especially if you have integers stored are decimals or negative
>>> integers which might be perfectly valid. Please refer to the source code
>>> for a more appropriate one. The data which I mention is not "dummy data".
>>> We have lots of problems with this type of data here in Zambia as well as
>>> other countries, because most of our data is submitted through mobiles. The
>>> trunk mobile clients do not have any validation, so getting data like "09"
>>> and "9.0" for an integer is quite common. We have added some regex
>>> validation to the J2ME client to try and prevent most of this junk for
>>> getting in, but with the new Light and Smartphone clients, it does not
>>> always work. Normally, we run other scripts to flag these values for
>>> "follow-up" automatically, to try and resolve what the number is, but it
>>> can take time.
>>> In your case, you might think that this regex suits your needs, and
>>> would want to reject all decimals and negative numbers. That is up to you.
>>> But in our case, we attempt to salvage as much data as possible. Whether
>>> that is the right approach or not, well, maybe we can start a new thread
>>> for this. :)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jason
>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Murod Latifov <mlatifov@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>> I thought my points were of some help to solve the issue and discuss
>>>> those appearing from initial issue. What you thought about first call is
>>>> not right and what I proposed was a solution. After you added dummy data
>>>> being stored, where new topic was introduced (off initial topic). And now
>>>> you are saying this kind of bureaucratic on topic/off topic things.
>>>> With regards to regexp you are not bound with what I demonstrated, you
>>>> can with the same ease, please use " and dv.value~E'^[1-9][0-9]?$'" instead
>>>> if the case is so worth, no probs.
>>>> best,
>>>> murod
>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Murod,
>>>>> I do not think anyone is happy about it, and thus my blueprint to
>>>>> provide server-side regex validation of data, which has yet to be
>>>>> implemented. However, the fact of the matter is, it can happen now, and
>>>>> having some data is usually better than having no data at all. That regex
>>>>> which you mention there will also not work in all cases, because things
>>>>> like "00" are quite common and cannot be cast, thus the need for the
>>>>> "heavier" regex which is used by the analytics process. Such values would
>>>>> pass the regex because it is all digits, but will fail the cast. You may
>>>>> not be happy about it, but it is usually necessary to be sure the values
>>>>> which should be numeric, can actually be cast to an integer.
>>>>> Again, seemingly off-topic from the original post?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Murod Latifov <mlatifov@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>> By telling these you mean data stored in DHIS2 at some
>>>>>> implementations is not trusted, that is not cleaned enough. How can one use
>>>>>> these data for analysis? Does it bring TRUE result for decision making? I
>>>>>> don't think such data should exist. At least some Data management action
>>>>>> could clean data against data element declarations and value stored. After,
>>>>>> there shouldn't be such worries.
>>>>>> You can use regexp within SQL command to:
>>>>>> select dv.dataelementid, categoryoptioncomboid, periodid, sum(cast
>>>>>> (value as int)) as val, dv.sourceid as orgunit, aggregationtype from
>>>>>> datavalue dv
>>>>>> left join dataelement de
>>>>>> on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid
>>>>>> WHERE aggregationtype = 'sum' and domaintype='aggregate' and
>>>>>> dv.value~E'^\\d+$'
>>>>>> group by dv.dataelementid, dv.sourceid, categoryoptioncomboid,
>>>>>> periodid, aggregationtype
>>>>>> Please note this addition and dv.value~E'^\\d+$', which makes SQL
>>>>>> run failure safe.
>>>>>> But in overall am not happy with such data being stored without
>>>>>> cleansing after import.
>>>>>> best,
>>>>>> murod
>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Murod,
>>>>>>> You would think this would work, and it might for you. The problem
>>>>>>> is there is no way to "trust" that the raw data values can be cast. We have
>>>>>>> had a lot of problems with this, but mostly because of 1) Legacy data
>>>>>>> before the different value types were implemented and 2) data which is
>>>>>>> received from mobile clients, which do not have the same restrictions as
>>>>>>> from the front-end. So, by relying on the aggregationtype, you must really
>>>>>>> know your data is clean, otherwise, it only takes one bad value for the
>>>>>>> aggregation with SQL not to work. You can see the way the analytics gets
>>>>>>> around this, by applying a regex. Whether it is "heavy" or not, I guess
>>>>>>> really depends on your reference frame.
>>>>>>> However, getting back to the top of the thread, I thought Felix's
>>>>>>> original issue was not being able to data which was stored as a date or
>>>>>>> text. My original point was that the casting and summing of this type of
>>>>>>> data is simply not possible with these simple SQL statements. But maybe I
>>>>>>> misunderstood Felx's original issue.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Murod Latifov <mlatifov@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>>>> Yes, it holds true in case if raw data being called. But query was
>>>>>>>> with aggregation elements. Technique I proposed will exactly remove none
>>>>>>>> convertible values from the query, thus there won't be cast exception. No
>>>>>>>> need to deploy heavy regex or stored procedure here, this is doable. Sample
>>>>>>>> code here:
>>>>>>>> select dv.dataelementid, categoryoptioncomboid, periodid, sum(cast
>>>>>>>> (value as int)) as val, dv.sourceid as orgunit, aggregationtype from
>>>>>>>> datavalue dv
>>>>>>>> left join dataelement de
>>>>>>>> on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid
>>>>>>>> WHERE aggregationtype = 'sum' and domaintype='aggregate'
>>>>>>>> group by dv.dataelementid, dv.sourceid, categoryoptioncomboid,
>>>>>>>> periodid, aggregationtype
>>>>>>>> This should give an idea on how to manage avoiding these exceptions
>>>>>>>> just with plain SQL.
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> murod
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well, it is very hard to see what is going on without the entire
>>>>>>>>> query. My point here is there is no way to aggregate text, without some
>>>>>>>>> sort of procedure, so you cannot cast anything, nor can you sum it, because
>>>>>>>>> in the datavalue table, everything is stored as text. Just like with the
>>>>>>>>> analytics, you must first filter out all values which you think can be cast
>>>>>>>>> to a double with a regex, and then perform the sum/average/other
>>>>>>>>> aggregation operator. If you just want to get the raw data values back,
>>>>>>>>> then there should be no aggregation anyway, thus, no need for the sum
>>>>>>>>> operator.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Murod Latifov <mlatifov@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I am afraid Jason, it won't work that way. In Postgres
>>>>>>>>>> aggregating (SUM, AVG) for varchar will give exception. There is no onbuilt
>>>>>>>>>> type casting at this point.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> You cannot cast text to a double so just remove that cast
>>>>>>>>>>> operator and you should be fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> --Sent from my mobile
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 29, 2013 1:16 PM, "Felix Obareh" <fobareh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank Jason,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have decided to go with the SQL Query. I am using the SQL
>>>>>>>>>>>> Query example i the user manual together with the demo database for Sierra
>>>>>>>>>>>> Leone.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is working fine for elements of integer type and i can run
>>>>>>>>>>>> the query from my pgAdmin and i get them fine. I have a problem with
>>>>>>>>>>>> displaying data elements of text and varchar type.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is what am running as querry:-
>>>>>>>>>>>> ------Trancated--------
>>>>>>>>>>>> left outer join organisationunit Sublocation
>>>>>>>>>>>> on (ous.idlevel6=sublocation.organisationunitid)
>>>>>>>>>>>> left outer join (
>>>>>>>>>>>> *select sourceid, sum(cast(value as double precision)) as
>>>>>>>>>>>> value*
>>>>>>>>>>>> from datavalue
>>>>>>>>>>>> where dataelementid=8305
>>>>>>>>>>>> group by sourceid) as *triggerstate* on
>>>>>>>>>>>> triggerstate.sourceid=ou.organisationunitid
>>>>>>>>>>>> where ous.level=7
>>>>>>>>>>>> ****If i run the same query for a data element of date of text
>>>>>>>>>>>> type or yes/no
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***NB the triggerstate store a true or false value in the the
>>>>>>>>>>>> datavalue table
>>>>>>>>>>>> *HERE is the SQL error i get*
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "false"
>>>>>>>>>>>> ********** Error **********
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "false"
>>>>>>>>>>>> SQL state: 22P02
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please assist
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>>>>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Obare,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The reason for this is because you will only be able to see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the aggregated data in DHIS2. In your case, it does not seem you need the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aggregated data, but instead the raw data. One way to do this is with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom report, which would use a JDBC data source, and then an SQL query to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> retreive the data. You might need some paramaters like the period and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular orgunit. You can read about custom reports in the DHIS2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation. Another possible solution would be an SQL Query, which would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> allow you to pull out the raw data into a CSV file for subsequent analysis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Felix Obareh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fobareh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I a form similar to the Facility Assessment Form in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> demo.dhis2.org . I have done some data entry but i don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how to get the report for that form
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Among my Elements are:-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Date Facility was commissioned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Facility state on Commissioning with options set of (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ready, Lacking Some Departments, Not ready)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) Date of Certification
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) Date of Verification
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5) Source of Funds with option sets (Government, Donor)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6) Is facility well maintained (Yes/No)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7) Key issues identified & suggested solutions (Text)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8) Number of Practitioners in the Facility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can the above data on the entry form by i cant create a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> single report about the facility. The pivot tables on show the value of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> element 8. The value of the number of practitioners.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any assistance will be highly appreciated. I have three more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Facility based forms which i want to get reports for across the country
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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Obare Felix
Business Systems Director
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Follow ups
Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Felix Obareh, 2013-11-27
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-27
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Felix Obareh, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Murod Latifov, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Murod Latifov, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Murod Latifov, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Murod Latifov, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Felix Obareh, 2013-11-29
Re: Retrieving Data of type value:- Date , text and Yes or No in DHIS2
From: Murod Latifov, 2013-11-29