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Re: Debian/Ubuntu Repositories


Lorenzo Isella wrote:
Hello Åsmund
I think there is a misunderstanding here: I left as a comment that I am using Debian unstable, but actually I am using testing, if you look in detail at the repositories' web addresses.
I noticed the following: for debian libumfpack4 is "there":
but for testing something funny happens:
Now, I am finding out now about virtual packages, so I won't be much help here.
 > Even in stable there is a "normal" package:

Hello Lorenzo,

It's libsuitesparse which provides libumfpack4 but unfortunately when I checked it last night at home on an i386 box, it provides libumfpack4 without a version, while dolfin requires a version number. These little differences between debian and ubuntu sometimes make you mad. :-(

In official debian, packages will migrate from unstable/sid to testing after some time if no critical bugs are found.


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