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[Question #131523]: wget for Dorsal for DOLFIN on Mac OS X 10.6.4


Question #131523 on DOLFIN changed:

Summary changed to:
wget for Dorsal for DOLFIN on Mac OS X 10.6.4

Description changed to:
I upgraded my Mac OS X so that it is 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard), as advised
for installing DOLFIN with dorsal.  I installed Xcode (and X11 is
automatically installed in Snow Leopard).  Also, I installed MacPorts
as MacPorts 1.9.1.

When I try to build DOLFIN with Dorsal (./dorsal.sh) and I try the
command 'sudo port install wget autogen readline pkgconfig libxml2
libtool  cgal gmp zlib python26 swig-python py26-numpy bzr bzrtools git-
core  ginac boost +python26 vtk-devel +python26 suitesparse
py26-scientific cppunit', I get this error:

Error: Cannot install wget for the arch(s) 'x86_64' because
Error: its dependency texinfo is only installed for the archs 'i386 ppc'.
Error: Unable to execute port: architecture mismatch

Please let me know what I need to do (I am very grateful for all your
help so far and I've decided to upgrade to 10.6.4 as you suggested).

Thank you,


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