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Re: [Question #141422]: [Question #141422]:[Question #141422]:[Question#141422]: [Question#141422]:[Question #141422]:[Question #141422]:DOLFIN/FEniCS integrationin otherPythoninstallation


Question #141422 on DOLFIN changed:

Till B posted a new comment:
ok, sorry, I am stuck again.

First I did not build Boost properly. I used the following command to build it:
bjam install --toolset=gcc --prefix=C:\Boost --stagedir=C:\Boost\stage --build-dir=C:\tempbuild --with-system --link=shared
but it does not give me the DLLs for the Boost.system library (I only try one library at a time, until I get it).

Second I do not manage to install Armadillo-1.0.0. I downloaded precompiled BLAS and LAPACK libraries, stored them safely away and then did what was written under "manual installation" in the Armadillo readme. This was basically uncommenting a few lines in the config.hpp file. Do I set the PATH variable to the BLAS and LAPACK libs and to the config.hpp?
When trying to generate the makefile for Dolfin, CMake asks for ARMADILLO_DIR, I tried the Armadillo/include dir and several others, but it did not work. ARMADILLO_TEST_RUNS is missing. And it asks for ARMADILLO_LIBRARIES, but Armadillo only comes with hpp files. 
Do I have to build Armadillo in some way? In the installation description it only tells me to uncomment a few lines.

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