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Message #23048
Re: [Question #156430]: Maxwell Equations Non-homogenoous Dirichlet BC
I have been using FEniCS for solving waveguide cutoff and dispersion
problems, and can send you a few code samples if you like. In my problems I
use homogeneous Dirichlet BCs, but this should not be too much of a problem
to extend to the non-homogeneous case.
As a start, I have attached a simple example for calculating the TE cutoff
modes of a hollow rectangular waveguide. To extend this to the
non-homogeneous case, you would have to use a non-zero expression when
instantiating the DirichletBC class.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Evan Lezar
Computational Electromagnetics Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Stellenbosch
South Africa
GoogleTalk: evanlezar
Skype: evanlezar
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Pablo Suarez <
question156430@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Question #156430 on DOLFIN changed:
> Description changed to:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone can answer this question.
> I need to solve for the follow PDE:
> \nabla \times \nabla E - k^2 E = 0
> (curl(curl(E)) - k^2 E = 0
> with BC n \times E = F
> E is a vector field
> F is a vector field
> k^2 is a constant (k^2 is not an eigenvalue)
> this is in the interior of a 3D surface (presumably smooth)
> n is the outward normal to the surface.
> This is the cavity problem for Maxwell Equation's with non-homgenous
> Dirichlet BC.
> How can I incorporate this condition into my code?
> I have followed the example in undocumented demos curl curl. If anyone can
> help it will be greatly appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Pablo
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__author__ = "Evan Lezar mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
__date__ = "12 July 2010"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010 Evan Lezar"
A simple example for the use of pydolfin for the solution of the TE modes of a hollow rectangular waveguide.
from time import time
import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
t0 = time()
# PEC walls for the application of dirichlet boundary conditions
class PECWalls(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary;
# since the problem is constrained to the plane of the waveguide port, a transverse curl is required
def curl_t(w):
return Dx(w[1], 0) - Dx(w[0], 1)
# Setup the mesh
width = 1.0
height = 0.5
mesh = Rectangle(0, 0, width, height, 8, 4, "right")
order = 2
# Use Nedelec basis functions of the first (curl conforming)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", order)
# Define the test and trial functions
v = TestFunction(V)
u = TrialFunction(V)
# Define the matrix elements
s = curl_t(v)*curl_t(u)*dx
t = inner(v, u)*dx
# Assemble the stiffness matrix (S) and mass matrix (T)
S = PETScMatrix()
T = PETScMatrix()
assemble(s, tensor=S)
assemble(t, tensor=T)
# setup the dirichlet boundary condition and apply this to the matrices
boundary_condition = DirichletBC(V, Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), element=V.ufl_element()), PECWalls())
b = PETScVector(S.size(0))
boundary_condition.apply(S, b)
boundary_condition.apply(T, b)
t_solver = time()
# Create the eigensolver and solve the eigensystem
esolver = SLEPcEigenSolver()
esolver.parameters["spectrum"] = "largest magnitude"
#esolver.parameters["spectral_transform"] = "shift-and-invert"
#esolver.parameters["spectral_shift"] = 10.0
esolver.parameters["solver"] = 'lapack'
# Process the computed eigenvalues and eigenvectors
num_modes_to_compute = 20 # The number of modes to be computed
# Solve the inverse problem: T*x = 1/k_o^2*S*x as spurious modes are shifted to infinity
esolver.solve(T, S)
t_solver = time() - t_solver
# store the results
mode_results = {'k_o_squared':[], 'coefficients':[]}
mode_count = 0
skip_count = 0;
for i in range(S.size(1)):
if mode_count >= num_modes_to_compute:
(lr, lc) = esolver.get_eigenvalue(i)
print lr + 1j*lc
# check to see if it is a valid eigenpair
if np.isfinite(lr) and np.isfinite(lc):
if (lr == 1.0) and (lc == 0.0):
# Mode inserted by applying boudary conditions
# Is a valid mode
(lr, lc, dofs_r_petsc, dofs_c_petsc) = esolver.get_eigenpair(i)
k_o_squared = 1/(lr + 1j*lc)
print k_o_squared
# store the cutoff wavenumber squared as well as real and imaginary coefficients of the basis functions
mode_results['k_o_squared'].append(np.complex(k_o_squared.real, k_o_squared.imag))
mode_results['coefficients'].append((dofs_r_petsc, dofs_c_petsc))
mode_count += 1
# spurious mode
# theoretical cutoff squared values (only the first 4)
# k_o_squared/pi**2 = (m/a)**2 + (n/b)**2
# with a = 1.0m and b = 0.5m
# the first four modes are TE_10, TE_01, TE_20, and TE_11
theoretical_values = np.array([1,4,4,5])*np.pi**2
# Output the results
for current_mode in range(num_modes_to_compute):
print "Square of the cutoff wavenumber for mode number %d: " % (current_mode+1),
print mode_results['k_o_squared'][current_mode]
if current_mode < 4:
print "(theoretical value = %f)" % theoretical_values[current_mode]
t_total = time() - t0
print 'Total time: %f. Eigensolver time: %f' % (t_total, t_solver)
if False:
# Plot a mode - use the real part of the computed coefficients ( the last 0 index )
mode_to_plot = 3
if mode_to_plot < num_modes_to_compute:
# use only the real coefficients to instantiate the function
mode_function = Function(V, mode_results['coefficients'][mode_to_plot][0])
# this mode function can now be plotted
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