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Re: Reorg of duplicity VCS directory structure


> Most of the tests will run without config.py except backendtest.py,
> gpg.py, and finalconfig.py.  All of the backend tests have code that
> skips them if you do not supply a userid and various keys.

Yeah I noticed they did, though it also means they do not test

> > * Create a tests module (tests.py) which will provide an interface to
> >   obtain a list of tests that need and not need root access.
> Almost all of the tests need root for SetUp and TearDown due to the
> nature of the testfiles directory (mix of UIDs, permissions, etc.).
> Pretty much any of them that run SetUp need root.

I tried them out and got a fair few that were actually okay without it.

> > * Create a base class for tests that need the 'testfiles' unapcked, which
> >   will do so as part of setUp() and remove it as part of tearDown() (unless
> >   some smart optimization is used this would mean redundant tarring
> >   multiple times though). They would do this setup/teardown by assuming sudo
> >   access, like the current shell scripts do.
> I intentionally have SetUp and TearDown in each test that needs them so
> I can run them in isolation and debug them with Eclipse/PyDev Unittest.
>  While running all of the tests, the data stays in cache, so there's not
> much real overhead.  Most tests finish before the system bothers to
> actually write it to disk.

Ah, I was actually commenting on the performance in the sense of a
would-be regression, as I hadn't noticed the setup/teardown doignn
that already (I thought the wrapper script was the day to do it).

Guess I'll have to look more carefully :)

> Not sure about categories of tests, but the shell scripts are no longer
> needed for the individual tests.  If we ran categories of tests, they
> would run much like run_all_tests, just with a different list.


> Not sure I would want to move them under duplicity itself.  Coupling to
> the local files is a valid assumption during testing since you would
> want to know that the files you're testing are the ones in your dev
> directory, not the ones in the system path.  Besides, some of the files
> test duplicity-bin itself, so you're coupled anyway.


> > Thoughts?
> All this sounds good.  If you have time to do this, go ahead.

Will see; I kinda dropped the ball on this; it's sitting partially
started in my working copy still...

/ Peter Schuller

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