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Re: [Question #263472]: taking multiple full backups


Question #263472 on Duplicity changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Aaron Whitehouse proposed the following answer:

Try commenting out the MAX_AGE and see what happens. I suspect that the
issue is that this is set to 30 mins. Because you are creating a new
full every 15 mins, four full backups would mean that the oldest is at
least 60 mins old - and your MAX_AGE is telling duply to delete them
after 30 mins.

As Edso says, you want to be using either the max full backups (combined
with the max full backup age) OR the max age parameter to govern when
old backups are deleted. In your example setup, your max full backups *
max fullbkp age = 60 mins, which is longer than your max age, so the
shorter max age is probably forcing a delete.

Alternatively, you should probably be able to achieve your four fulls by
decreasing your max fullbkp age to 6 mins or something similar. As a
side note - you mention wanting only one incremental. I don't think that
there is a way (using the parameters above, at least) of deleting the
incrementals from between the full backups, but leaving the old full
backups. What I'm describing would leave the four full backups and the
incrementals that followed each of them.


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