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Re: why all the windows stuff? lets move on from legacy integration and do new cool stuff


yeah, it is out there, and yes, we have tools to deal with it already. If they are not so great in places file bugs and improve them, sure. If that is what this project focuses on then it is just playing catch up, not moving ahead. Plus I can't do anything to help as I have no Windows servers, plus all the stuff that needs to be fixed is in upstream projects and it isn't so much of a "distribution" problem. Getting Samba4 all working great would be nice for people who have a windows integration problem. Solving the Windows integration problem is a worthy thing to do, however making Ubuntu awesome for the enterprise is orthogonal to solving the Windows integration problem.

See if you had to sell the deliverables of this project to someone, as the scope stands right now you would spend all your time talking about Windows and how we are almost as good as Windows, or a bit like Windows and we integrate well with Windows etc. etc. Someone hearing that as a sales pitch would decide that what they actually want is Windows. That should be an "oh, and we also integrate well with legacy infrastructure" at the end of telling them why Ubuntu is really cool.


I work at http://libertus.co.uk

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