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Message #00784
Re: About the redesign effort WAS Re: GTG Redesign
It's a little hard to get trunk up and running in Fedora, since there are
no liblarch_gtk.rmp packages, and the readme doesn't explain that you need
to use python install to install the liblarch dependencies. Maybe
someone could document how to add the dependencies for Fedora at some point.
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:50 AM, meg ford <meg387@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I fixed this, or at least it runs tests now.
> Meg
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 7:35 PM, meg ford <meg387@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to ask a question (I also already asked Izidor this via
>> email, but in case this is a better place to ask, here it is:
>> I want to go ahead and fix a bug. I have the bzr for gtg, and the tarball
>> for liblarch on the same level in my directory as gtg. But I get an error
>> when I try to:[meg@meg trunk]$ ./gtg
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "./gtg", line 103, in <module>
>> import GTG.gtg
>> File "/home/meg/gtg/trunk/GTG/", line 58, in <module>
>> from GTG.gtk.manager import Manager
>> File "/home/meg/gtg/trunk/GTG/gtk/", line 34, in <module>
>> from GTG.gtk.browser.browser import TaskBrowser
>> File "/home/meg/gtg/trunk/GTG/gtk/browser/", line 44, in
>> <module>
>> from GTG.gtk.browser.treeview_factory import TreeviewFactory
>> File "/home/meg/gtg/trunk/GTG/gtk/browser/", line
>> 30, in <module>
>> from liblarch_gtk import TreeView
>> ImportError: No module named liblarch_gtk
>> I have liblarch on the same level in my directory as gtg. How do I
>> resolve the error?
>> Thanks,
>> Meg
>> 2012/3/23 Bertrand Rousseau <bertrand.rousseau@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> I'd like to make a comment about this thread. It is actually more
>>> about the redesign effort in general than the actual mockup proposal.
>>> I'm changing the subject as such, so that we can split the
>>> discussions.
>>> (Btw, Alex, I really like the mockups you proposed. They're great, and
>>> they make me want to use this GTG. ;-) )
>>> I think Meg has raised a very important point, and I'd like to insist
>>> on it to make sure that it doesn't get unnoticed: mockuping is
>>> awesome, but we *must* also work with other tools like use cases,
>>> wireframes, etc. (I think Meg also mentioned flowcharts, with which
>>> I'm not familiar with). Moreover, as discussed on the IRC channel,
>>> since we contemplate the idea of redesigning and thus partly
>>> redefining GTG, we *must* also try to define clearly what we think GTG
>>> is, what are the goals of the project, etc.
>>> Indeed, historically, GTG has been built without those, and at this
>>> point of its life, I think it has become apparent that this gap should
>>> be filled. Indeed, we often speak about GTG's features or UI elements,
>>> but we increasingly lack the "big picture". That was fine when GTG was
>>> young and targeted a limited number of features. But now GTG is more
>>> than three year old (can you believe that??), and it has become very
>>> ambitious (go see our wishlist if you don't believe me!).
>>> An application's reason to be is to solve issues, primary needs.
>>> Stuffs like "I need to know what I'm supposed to do when I have free
>>> time at home"... (while "I'd like to define 3 different tags to sort
>>> my tasks" is a *derived* need.)
>>> I have the feeling that we very often talk about derived needs. I'm
>>> growing kind of sure that we sometimes cannot even say if the proposed
>>> solution for that derived need will actual satisfy correctly a primary
>>> need at all, that we looked at the problem with "in the grand schemes
>>> of things", and not too focused on this particular issue.
>>> We should thus take the time to define correctly what are the primary
>>> *needs* we want GTG to provide a solution for, so that we can safely
>>> derive the solutions we will put into place to satisfy those needs,
>>> and still be able to trace its rationale back to the "big picture".
>>> Well, that's exactly what goal definitions are useful for. So that's
>>> where we should start. I actually offered myself to bootstrap this by
>>> writing down some kind of 'gtg manifesto'. I will try to do so in the
>>> next coming days, and post a draft on the wiki. [note: By the time I'm
>>> writing this, Lionel has actually started the work (kudos, ploum!):
>>> I'll join and contribute asap]
>>> But that's not all: to make sure we build up good solutions, the
>>> process consists in decomposing the big problems in more specific
>>> issues for which we can design solutions. However to make sure a
>>> solution is good, one needs tools that provide sufficient analytical
>>> power to evaluate the fitness of a particular situation. That's
>>> exactly what tools like use cases, etc. are made for! They provide
>>> each a certain view on an issue, and allow to analyze the outcome of a
>>> solution in a (more) objective manner. They allow to construct
>>> objective advice on which solution is the best.
>>> So that's why we should also start to contribute on that part. I
>>> definitely think goal definitions and better analytical tools should
>>> be cornerstones of the ongoing redesign effort.
>>> I will personally try to find some time to contribute to those. I also
>>> really hope that we will get a GSoC that will also help us to
>>> contribute useful resources in this domain. I would also really like
>>> anybody interested in GTG's design and redesign to also consider to
>>> contribute with this.
>>> Ok, that's it! Thanks for reading me all the way to here, it's been
>>> (again) longer than expected! (please bear with me)
>>> Bertrand
>>> --
>>> This the kind of thing that actually allows one to decide if buttons
>>> should be placed on the right or the left, if tasks should be ordered
>>> or not, if there should any difference between plugins or backends,
>>> etc.
>>> 2012/3/23 Izidor Matušov <izidor.matusov@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> > Hi Alex and other GTG contributors,
>>> >
>>> > sorry for the late answer, many things are going on and I am piled in
>>> my
>>> > e-mail. I love your mockups and I find it awesome. In this e-mail I
>>> would to
>>> > raise some details which weren't discussed so far. Please, don't take
>>> it as
>>> > nitpicking :-)
>>> >
>>> >> *General Layout:*
>>> >>
>>> >> The Layout contains the Primary Toolbar (1), which holds the 'new
>>> task'
>>> >> button and a View Switcher. I dont know if the Checkmark Selector (on
>>> >> the right side) is really necessary, the space could also be used for
>>> >> buttons which allow to toggle between different views. On the left you
>>> >> can see the Tag-Sidebar (2) and on the bottom you can find the plugin
>>> >> toolbar (3), which holds all additional elements required by plugins.
>>> >> The plugin toolbar is only visible, if there are any plugins enabled.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I think view switcher should have these options:
>>> > * active tasks - tasks that are shown in the current GTG window
>>> > * next action / Work View - tasks that:
>>> > * don't have any active subtasks
>>> > * don't have start date or have start date in past
>>> > * are not marked to be due Someday
>>> > * don't have assigned any tag which is hidden in workview
>>> >
>>> > * in other words, tasks that I can work on at the moment
>>> > * Tasks without tags -> something like Inbox
>>> > * closed tasks - done + dismissed tasks
>>> > * all tasks -- all tasks that are stored in GTG
>>> >
>>> > Those modes would satisfy the needs of this bug
>>> > - make user aware about
>>> "special
>>> > modes"
>>> >
>>> > ***************************
>>> >
>>> > A new concept in the latest GTG is backends. You can synchronize your
>>> tasks
>>> > with services like Google Tasks, Remember the Milk. Those services
>>> requires
>>> > authentication in the browser (most of them). The current workflow is:
>>> >
>>> > - Open Edit->Backends and add new backends
>>> > - Click on Allow syncing
>>> > - In the task browser gtk.InfoBar is shown (see 01.png) and furter
>>> action is
>>> > required like entring pincode (see 02.png)
>>> >
>>> > The process is quite cumbersome. Maybe authentication should be part
>>> of add
>>> > backend dialog and not clutter browser interface.
>>> >
>>> > Nevertheless we need some form of communication from backends to user,
>>> > mostly about errors:
>>> > * a service require new authentication like revoked permission
>>> > * backend was disabled because of lack of network
>>> > * backend was disabled because other programs does not response, e.g.
>>> Gnote
>>> > see
>>> >
>>> > Is it okay to show gtk.Infobar with the error message and a single
>>> button
>>> > which dismiss the InfoBar and open that backend's settings? Should be
>>> those
>>> > messages stackable (in case of failing multiple backends show all
>>> warning at
>>> > once) or show just single one, dimiss it and show another one? What is
>>> > policy for that? Could you create a mockup for that?
>>> >
>>> >> *Sidebar:*
>>> >>
>>> >> I think the Sidebar should be enabled by default, since it's a very
>>> >> powerful feature and there is enough horizontal space to display it. I
>>> >> also increased the size of the items in the sidebar to 28px, which is
>>> >> the recomended minimum size of touchable buttons stated by the Noika
>>> >> Developers Guide. Google also uses this size for sidebar entrys in the
>>> >> new Google Mail layout.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > In the current GTG, the sidebar is hidden by default to give look of
>>> very
>>> > simple UI on startup. It is advised to turn it off in the initial tasks
>>> > tutorial. However, I haven't seen anybody to use GTG without it
>>> because it
>>> > is very powerful also for newbies.
>>> >
>>> > I vote for making sidebar the default par of UI and getting rid of
>>> option to
>>> > turn it off.
>>> >
>>> > *********************
>>> >
>>> > GTG allows you to stack tags. You can have hierarchical tags:
>>> >
>>> > @Work
>>> > - @project1
>>> > - @project2
>>> > @School
>>> > - @courseA
>>> > - @courseB
>>> >
>>> > Could you create a mockup of such an advance usage?
>>> >
>>> > ********************
>>> >
>>> > Get rid of "All tasks" and "Task without tags" (they should be shown in
>>> > special view). In the sidebar should be shown only tags and smart tags
>>> a.k.a
>>> > saved searches (read later).
>>> >
>>> > There was a request for allowing to select multiple tags and creating a
>>> > context, e.g. I select @call and @work to see all work-releated calls.
>>> If no
>>> > tags are selected, all tasks are shown.
>>> >
>>> > The question is if we want to implement intersection or union of tags.
>>> After
>>> > having a jabber chat with Ploum, we figured out it is hard to choose
>>> which
>>> > way to go. In each way, we would like to have multiple selection in UI.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > *********************
>>> >
>>> > I can't see the icon assigned to @work. Is it smaller when it is shown
>>> next
>>> > to the text title?
>>> >
>>> > *********************
>>> >
>>> > I love your mockup of tag editor! There is a request to create
>>> permanent
>>> > tags (shown although no task is assigned to it). Having another
>>> checkbox
>>> > wouldn't be a problem.
>>> >
>>> >> **
>>> >> *
>>> >> Tasks:*
>>> >>
>>> >> I'm struggling with the design of the tasks since i began working on
>>> the
>>> >> GUI, so please don't consider this anything but far from completed.
>>> >>
>>> >> Although iOS nor Android or any other touch-optimized OS seem to use
>>> >> tree views, i think we should stick to it, since they are great for
>>> >> visualizing hierarchy. I'm not completely satisfied with the design of
>>> >> the tasks, so if you have any ideas how to improve the visual design
>>> of
>>> >> the tasks, please feel free to tell me.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Ploum asked:
>>> >> Now, playing devil's advocate, I want to point out that each task
>>> >> take a lot more room than with the current GTG version. It means
>>> >> that you can display only half or the third number of tasks.
>>> >>
>>> >> Is this something acceptable or should we have a "thin mode"?
>>> >
>>> > In my opinion, it would be feature of GTG. I have the GTG browser
>>> window of
>>> > a normal size for my laptop (920x591) and I can put there about 20
>>> tasks.
>>> > (See 04.png) When I do my daily planing, I check several times how my
>>> > schedule looks like. Unconsciously I end up with the full window of
>>> tasks
>>> > because adding one more task is just about few pixels. When I
>>> constrain it
>>> > consciously, it feels like I underestimate myself: Look fool, you have
>>> only
>>> > the half window to do today, you have enough time to check news
>>> again...
>>> >
>>> > GTG could display about 6-8 tasks in the same window. Given "rule 7
>>> +-2",
>>> > humans (at least I) have problems with dealing many items at the same
>>> time.
>>> > We would force the user to categorize tasks into smaller chunks (or to
>>> store
>>> > less tasks). I personally believe that GTG's (and other ToDO lists)
>>> core
>>> > feature is filtering: show me only the relevant tasks I can work on
>>> given
>>> > the context.
>>> >
>>> > *********************************
>>> >
>>> > There was proposed feature to group tasks by due date:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > IMHO it is not quite possible to do with the list of hierarchical
>>> subtasks:
>>> > I could have a task with one subtask due today and another subtask due
>>> > tomorrow. Should I put the whole subtask to today chunk or tomorrow
>>> chunk?
>>> > Should I split those subtasks although they belong to the single task?
>>> >
>>> >> *Quick-Add/Search Bar:*
>>> >>
>>> >> The Gnome HIGs have very strict requirements regarding the search (see
>>> >> To quote the HIG:
>>> >>
>>> >> "Typically, the search entry field should be located out of view, at
>>> the
>>> >> top of the list or grid content area. The search field can be accessed
>>> >> in three ways:
>>> >> - Scrolling the content up when it is at its apparent upper limit.
>>> >> - Using the standard search keyboard shortcuts - Ctrl+F or Ctrl+S
>>> >> - Typing when a text input field is not focused - this text should be
>>> >> automatically entered into the search field"
>>> >>
>>> >> If we follow the Guidelines, we have to abandon the search
>>> functionality
>>> >> from the quick-add toolbar. The current idea is to get completly rid
>>> of
>>> >> the quick-entry text input filed and show the user a empty task, which
>>> >> can be filled out, instead.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > In GTG 0.2.9 there was added concept of searches. You can search by
>>> entering
>>> > a query in a simple query language. Look at the comment there:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Joao worked on Search dialog where you could set it up from UI. In the
>>> end
>>> > of summer we came with the idea of "Awesome bar" where you just write
>>> your
>>> > query. As you know, we are going to get rid of "Awesome bar" and
>>> therefore
>>> > the question is if we would like to have a complicated dialog with many
>>> > options or users enter just a query. Query might be more geeky
>>> solution but
>>> > on the other side:
>>> > - it would provide cleaner interface
>>> > - most user would use it only to find tasks with certain words or tags
>>> > - only a fraction of users would need special operators
>>> >
>>> > I personally see the clean, Google's searchbar interface :-) I don't
>>> know
>>> > about any GNOME application which would provide advanced search feature
>>> > besides e-mail clients like Evolution or Thunderbird (their interface
>>> is
>>> > very clumsy :-(
>>> >
>>> > We allowed to create smart tags a.k.a. saved searches. You write
>>> complex
>>> > search queries like '@gtg !before 2011-05-01 !not "feature request"',
>>> it
>>> > would be saved into sidebar and you can give a name to it, color, etc.
>>> It is
>>> > like a normal tag but you can specify a query for it.
>>> >
>>> > One of ideas was to automatically save every search. User can rename a
>>> > search, update query or delete it. We could purge those searches
>>> > automatically (remember just last 5; forget them after restart; - of
>>> course,
>>> > you could pin them to make them permanent like it is in tomboy's
>>> > notification area) or let user to delete them manually.
>>> >
>>> > Searches are quite new concept.
>>> >
>>> > I would propose Search dialog to be:
>>> >
>>> > -----------------------------------------------
>>> > | ____________________________ |
>>> > | Query: |____________________________| help |
>>> > | _________________ |
>>> > | ☑ save it as smart tag |_________________| |
>>> > | -------- |
>>> > | | Search | |
>>> > | -------- |
>>> > -----------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > Where help would be a link/would open documentation of search query.
>>> >
>>> > If user choose to save the tag, it would be shown in the sidebar in
>>> the same
>>> > way as in the current GTG (see 03.png)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> *
>>> >> Opening & editing tasks:*
>>> >>
>>> >> I haven't done a mockup of how tasks should be edited yet, but my idea
>>> >> was to get rid of the 'one-window-per-task' appraoch wich works great
>>> on
>>> >> the desktop, but could cause some problems on small touchscreen
>>> devices.
>>> >> I think it would be nice, if GTG would handle tasks, like other Gnome
>>> 3
>>> >> core apps handle files (See
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> <
>>> >).
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I agree that editing only one task at the time could be better.
>>> >
>>> > I think the overall layout of the current editor embedded in the main
>>> window
>>> > would be okay. In the top toolbar there could be buttons:
>>> >
>>> > - back (show previous open task or task browser)
>>> > - go to the parent task
>>> > --------------------
>>> > - mark as done
>>> > - mark as dismissed
>>> > - delete
>>> > ----------------
>>> > - insert tag
>>> > - insert subtask
>>> > ------------------
>>> > - <plugin buttons like Hamster - start tracking this task>
>>> >
>>> > On the bottom toolbar:
>>> > - start date widget
>>> > - due date widget
>>> > - text information: how many days are left
>>> >
>>> > In the context many would be those options:
>>> > - spell checking
>>> > - open link ( if clicked on link )
>>> > - basic rich text operations: make text bold/italic
>>> > - insert tag
>>> > - insert subtask
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ****************************************************
>>> >
>>> > While writing this e-mail, I got your other e-mail. Most questions are
>>> > answered above.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > - should we stick with the 'empty-task-approach?
>>> >
>>> > I think that the empty-task at the top should be just one line Entry
>>> widget.
>>> > If you have a complex widget like in your last mockup, it doesn't make
>>> any
>>> > sense. You can't fill it just from keyboard easily and you have to use
>>> mouse
>>> > or <tab> button. It means you degrade to a form on very small place.
>>> The
>>> > main purpose of QuickAdd toolbar is to quickly and easily add many task
>>> > (optimally with their structure) from keyboard.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > - what do you think of the task design? (3)
>>> >
>>> > I prefer the style from this mockup:
>>> >
>>> > I love the title idea form that mockup! The title could help users to
>>> > understand concepts of filters (you seen text description of what you
>>> see).
>>> >
>>> > ********************************************************
>>> >
>>> > That's pretty much it. Looking forward to your answers,
>>> >
>>> > Izidor
>>> >
>>> > P.S: What software do you use to create those mockups? Gimp, Inkscape
>>> with
>>> > some plugins or something else? I would like to create some my own
>>> > modification instead of ASCII art...
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > Mailing list:
>>> > Post to : gtg-contributors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> > Unsubscribe :
>>> > More help :
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Bertrand Rousseau
>>> _______________________________________________
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>>> Post to : gtg-contributors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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