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Hi Izidor,I understand that distribution related considerations need to be taken. And even if my work won't be shipping anytime soon (it's not ready anyways), I am regularly going to merge with changes done on the gtk2 version. I just need help because so far I am getting weird segfaults (the python interpreter), without any error output when running the gtg script, but in GTG and am able to run, which still crashes but with some output. I fixed as much as I could understand.
The part concerning the Gnome-keyring needs to be ported so that it uses the secret service protocol over dbus, I don't know if that is already done.
I manually ported liblarch, and did more then half the porting by hand in gtg, but then got bored, wasn't intellectual enough for me, so I used a script that ships with pygobject (read here to know more about it:
But then the script broke some of the none gtk specific code, namely the ones that dealt with xml.
So I had to manually fix those :DThere are a lot of things that have been deprecated in GTK3 that need to be changed like the use of HBox and VBox, and when I was manually renaming, I think I have changed quite a few.
I'll try to put together a script for that, it will make it easier.I also just recently started documenting the things I learn and want to keep track of on my website.
It's still in development, but some of the stuff I already wrote is here: Joe On 09/06/2012 11:44, Izidor Matušov wrote:
Hi Joe, Awesome work!Port GTG to GTK3 and to Python3 (the numbers are just coincidence :D) is on our roadmap for the next release. It is hard to do it now because it is like shooting on a moving object. We are still working at the main branch and creating merge conflicts. Merging those 2 branches would be extremely hard. When the code is frozen for the release, that's the best time to break the stuff :)I reviewed your liblarch code and it looks great. (Although I haven't run it yet). Looking forward to your pull request. :) It might not be merged immediately (we need working GTK2 version for releasing GTG 0.3).Did you used a script for changes in your GTG branch on launchpad? those are so many changes... I'll review them later (when working on the port) Your branch is linked to the bug #897136 for your work. It can't be merged immediately but we will use your contribution later.Izidor On 06/09/2012 03:24 AM, Joe R. Nassimian wrote:I have been working on a gtg (and liblarch) port to GTK3, but as I have only started reading the code, I feel it would be a lot faster if someone who knew already the code could help debug the errors I come accross. my fork and gtk3 port of liblarch is here I was able to run, and successfully run the tests. Some minor cosmetic changes might still be necessary though. and my porting progress is here: I am afraid there is still a few things to sort out before we can actually run gtg in gtk3, it's not yet perfect, but for a few hours of work, I think it's a good first step. Joe R. Nassimian
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