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Message #00427
Re: Mac OS X port
"Boštjan Jerko" <bojerko@...>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 16:23:17 +0200
Ha Marius,
I've solved Mac OSX starting with creating a small directory in Applications
and soft linking to the files in /usr/local/kicad/macosx
On 7/26/07, Marius Kintel <kintel@...> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Just in case anyone is waiting for this:
> It turned out to be more complicated than I first thought to bind
> together the individual tools in the KiCAD suite.
> Somehow, KiCAD requires arguments to be given on the command-line
> when launching tools from the project manager, while this is an
> unsupported way of launching programs packaged as application bundles
> under Mac OS X. The normal way of doing this is using Apple Events -
> now wxWidgets seems to support apple events, but assumes that an
> application receiving them is an MDI-type application, which KiCAD is
> not.
> A couple of iterations further down into the matter, I've come to
> think that to fix this properly is a fair bit of work, and
> unfortunately I don't have this kind of time at the moment.
> I'll pick up this thread again in a while, but if anyone has any
> comments or insights, I'm interested.
> Also, if anyone is interested in my current patch, I can post it.
> ~/= Marius
> --
> We are Elektropeople for a better living.
mag./M.Sc. Boštjan Jerko
Boštjan Jerko-Japina s.p., Raziskovanje in razvoj novih tehnologij
Boštjan Jerko-Japina s.p., Research and development of new technologies
slo. blog:
Eng. blog:
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Ha Marius,<br><br><br>I've solved Mac OSX starting with creating a small directory in Applications and soft linking to the files in /usr/local/kicad/macosx<br><br>Boštjan<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 7/26/07,
<b class="gmail_sendername">Marius Kintel</b> <<a href="mailto:kintel@...";>kintel@...</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<div style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<div style="width: 655px;">
<div style="padding: 0pt 15px 0pt 0pt; width: 490px; float: left;">
<p>Hi again,<br>
Just in case anyone is waiting for this:<br>
It turned out to be more complicated than I first thought to bind <br>
together the individual tools in the KiCAD suite.<br>
Somehow, KiCAD requires arguments to be given on the command-line <br>
when launching tools from the project manager, while this is an <br>
unsupported way of launching programs packaged as application bundles <br>
under Mac OS X. The normal way of doing this is using Apple Events - <br>
now wxWidgets seems to support apple events, but assumes that an <br>
application receiving them is an MDI-type application, which KiCAD is <br>
A couple of iterations further down into the matter, I've come to <br>
think that to fix this properly is a fair bit of work, and <br>
unfortunately I don't have this kind of time at the moment.<br>
I'll pick up this thread again in a while, but if anyone has any <br>
comments or insights, I'm interested.<br>
Also, if anyone is interested in my current patch, I can post it.<br>
~/= Marius<br>
We are Elektropeople for a better living.<br>
<span width="1" style="color: white;"></span>
</blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>mag./M.Sc. Boštjan Jerko<br>Boštjan Jerko-Japina s.p., Raziskovanje in razvoj novih tehnologij<br>Boštjan Jerko-Japina s.p., Research and development of new technologies<br>
<br>*******************<br>Elektronika/Electronics,<br>Software/Programi: <a href="";></a><br>slo. blog: <a href="";></a><br>
Eng. blog: <a href="";></a><br>trgovina/store: <a href="";></a>
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