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Re: Reducing number of drills - new utility [Pre-pre


klui_ escreveu:
How do I create that dril image file?
I looked at all options in ptinting and plotting, if it is thaere it
is not obvious to me...
File->Plot->Create drill file !BUTTON!

Sorry, this creates the drill file ok, but not the *dirll image file* as you used to ilustrate your example!!!


Drills: 0,500,400;500,1000,1000;1000,2000,2000;2000,3000,3000

Pre-pre release of chap.pl (CHangeAPlotter.PerL)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open FH, "<chap.cfg";
print "Bin\tFrom\tTo\tNew\n";
while (<FH>)
{ chomp();
last if ($line=~s!.*Drill:\s*!!);
while ($line=~m!(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)!g)
$bins[$totalBins]=[$1, $2,$3];

open FH, "<lines.brd";
open FHout, ">lines.new.brd";
while (<FH>)
#Sh "1" C 1600 1600 0 0 0
#Sh "1" R 550 550 0 0 900
#Dr 1200 0 0

# if (m!^Sh "1" (.) (\d+) (\d+) .*$!)
# {
# $t=$1; $x=$1; $y=$2;
# }

if (m!^Dr (\d+) !)
$i=0; $flag=0; $current=$1; $current++; $current--;

while ( ($i<$totalBins) && ($flag == 0))
# print "comparing $bins[$i]->[0] < $current <= $bins[$i]->[1]"; # if ($current > $bins[$i]->[0]) {print "...low match!";} ;
# if ($current < $bins[$i]->[1]) {print "...high match!";};
$new = $bins[$i]->[2];
if (($current > $bins[$i]->[0]) && ($current <= $bins[$i]->[1]) )
#should replace here
print "Should replace <$_> to ";
s!^Dr (\d+) !Dr $new !;
print "<$_>";
print FHout "$_\n";
if ($flag ==1 ) {print "\n";};
} }
print FHout "$_\n";


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