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Re: Re: Compilation with Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.



No offense intended.

A quick search of this list would show you that I have a psychotic affliction that pertains to Microsoft.
My remark was not meant to offend you.


Ekhm... I feel offended a little... Visual C++ is a compiler good as
any other may be. But if don't like it...

I am currently working on building Windows version by mingw in
simplest possible way (less steps than current "manual" put in readme)
and without MSYS.


--- In kicad-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dick Hollenbeck" <dick@...> wrote:

What is visual C++?

And who cares?


On 8/24/08, manneveru <manveru@...> wrote:

Hi Developers!

I finally made it - it took over 12 hours, but works. Tutorial is
published here: http://manveru.pl/node/3 (need some formatting


But the code itself needed some improvements and corrections. So I am
attaching a patch to the code and one additional file which solves
problem with missing round() function in Visual C++ libraries (well
known problem in The Net :-).

The patches are uploaded here:
as I do not know how to add attachments to the posts.

Follow ups
