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Re: Font support in eeschema and pcbnew on text labels


Kicad itself is now always compiled in unicode mode, but saved files (.sch, .brd, .net ... files ) do not use unicode.

Using unicode in kicad files means:
- New created files cannot open by old versions (.sch files have just changed) : .brd, .sch, but also .lib, .mod, .cmp - How to create reports files ? they usually are plaint text, not rich text or other format. - Problems with netlists and data exchange: i am not sure all others tools use unicode in netlists. - And also volunteers to enter a *lot* of new characters. (I am not sure there is a lot of volunteers to do this work.)

A mininum requirement to use unicode is the creation of fonts.

So do not speed up to use unicode in files format.

I asked if we need the capability. This is the first and most important question. I think it is not that important since the lettering on a PCB board is usually latin 8 bit chars and even folks that I am working within Taiwan understand it.

As far as messing with the file format, I don't think it does that, since the text will be stored int UTF8 format within each text field in the file format, regardless of how Kicad is compiled or made.

What happens in RAM is another story, and in order edit this text conveniently in RAM it should be kept in unicode once in RAM.

But if the idea can be nixed because of lack of need, then this discussion can become much shorter.

