Hi Dick,
I think that I did not explain myself at all well... Let me quote
another of your messages:
>My suggestion is to use D-BUS. The file formats in Kicad are likely to
>evolve and that will break code that relies on a stable format. A
>series of well designed D-BUS functions are likely to be more stable
>and immune from file format changes.
My point is exacly that: I prefer a file to store the board (or other)
then to have a cominucation between 2 running programs. A file can be
stored, transmitted, interpreted or converted by some other program, or
Why not an intermediate approach: a simple set of functions that create
an ASCII file and read them? Maybe this can be closer to ideal?
In anyway, I ppreciate your work and I don't have time to contribute, so
your word is last... I just want dt discuss that point a bit
Dick Hollenbeck escreveu:
Alain M. wrote:
Dick Hollenbeck escreveu:
D-BUS solves a lot of problems that we have, AND allows others to
interface with Kicad in a well documented, and very rich way.
Peronaly, I don't like that approach. I like well documented *FILES*
that can be easely created, modified and used.
Is it a requirement that as soon as D-BUS is implemented, all
documentation on file formats be destroyed? I was not aware of that.
Could you please tell me (us?) what has to be done withou an
intermediate file?
Don't understand the question.