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Re: Re: Would anyone else like English comments?


Mateusz wrote:

See on: http://www.translate.google.pl/translate_t?prev=hp&hl=pl&js=y&text=module1()%0D%0A&file=&sl=fr&tl=en&history_state0=#

it is not my fault, it is a fault of google.translate

I may add a case to remove space before '(' but it may alter other comments such as "what it should do (if anything) to print it".

This was not the only example in the diff file that you posted where this space before a () is a problem.

Think again about this please, if it is easy to fix.

-//static void Exit_Muonde(WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame, wxDC *DC);
+//static void Exit_Muonde (WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame, * wxDC DC);

Coding style issues like this are very important to me, because they distract my concentration when looking at code.

// what it should do(if anything) to print it

Is more tolerable if I get a choice here. They are less frequent and can be easily fixed over time.

