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Re: wxGCDC (was Re: Re: R2217 bugs)


There can be more than one transform in play. We have yet to explain which discussion we are in, either:

A) For the case you you have only one transform for the whole graphics panel, and a single world coordinate space, then this closely matches what we have now.

B) The more elaborate case that I also wanted to talk about was a situation where you have a transform attached to each footprint instance. The footprint is defined with a given orientation, but each instance of it has the ability to rotate and translate that definition without actually modifying the definition's coordinates. Likewise the pads on the footprint, can be defined with one set of coordinates. Then each instance of that same kind of pad can have its own transform (rotation and translation). Now, when you look at the big picture for case B), you have 3 transforms in play to get to a pad. The one for the graphic panel, the one for the footprint, and the one for a given pad within a footprint.

I think currently the pad's coordinates are modified as a pad is moved or rotate within the footprint editor, so you don't actually have a transform on the pad, likewise for the footprint. Another data model could be conceived where the pad definition is simply instantiated with its own transform.

Food for thought, and trying to keep us from talking past each other. (I had always assumed we were talking about case B), but I think now this has not been the case.)


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