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Re: CMake requirement...


Alain Portal wrote:

Le mercredi 12 mai 2010 15:44:54, Dick Hollenbeck a écrit :

I saw that since yesterday, there is a new requirement on CMake, and I'm
really disapointed :-(

Is this new requirement REALLY needed?

I was forced to don't update kicad package from 2009-02-16 to 2010-03-14
for RHEL-5 (Centos, Scientifix-Linux, etc.) because a CMake 2.6.0
requirement (they are still with 2.4.8).

Some days ago, I was happy because I saw that kicad-2010.05.05
successfull built on the future (unborn...) RHEL-6 (Centos,
Scientifix-Linux, etc.) But with this new requirement, I'm sure it won't

In french : « C'est vouloir tuer la poule dans l'oeuf... ».

A translation could be "You want to kill the chicken when it is an egg"
A meaning: you don't want this way exists...


That's a lot of bad English to read,

This is the first time somebody tells me my english was so bad ;-)
But you're probably right...

and some French, just to get to this:

I don't agree with this "just".
This "just" change imply that kicad won't build in future RHEL-6.
This is why I asked "Is this new cmake requirement really needed?"

$ bzr diff  -r2369..2368 CMakeLists.txt
=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'
--- CMakeLists.txt    2010-05-10 18:37:54 +0000
+++ CMakeLists.txt    2010-04-21 12:25:16 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@

-# test the minimum Cmake version requirement (could be different under
unix or Windows
-    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
+    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.1 FATAL_ERROR)
-    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
+    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.0 FATAL_ERROR)

 # Path to local CMake modules.


I only use French when I am upset, I see you do that too.   :)

No ;-)
I use french when I know there are french readers and when I want to use a adage or a french popular expression.
And you can see that I tried to adapt (translate) it in english ;-)

No where in your posting do you even mention 2.8.0.

Sorry, you're right, it was implicit to me that developers saw the change on the bzr commit list.

So I think we will have to resort to mind reading unless you can
formulate better postings in the future.  Is there somebody that can
give you help with these English postings before you send them?

Unfortunately not...
And this would be unmanageable.
I will try to make some effort, perhaps doing shorter sentences, using more frequently http://www.wordreference.com/.

I'm sure you don't want I use http://translate.google.fr/ :-D

If so I
think it would be helpful.  Speaking honestly, folks can only take you
seriously if they can understand you.  I think you are a serious person,
and that you want to be taken seriously,

You can be!

so I am trying to be helpful here.

Thanks for that.

Because otherwise what can happen is that you simply end up on
somebody's spam filter, and I don't think you want that.  So again, I
truly am trying to be helpful.

I would be sorry if somebody have to spend time to create a spam filter on my email adress because my english isn't good and if he don't understand that not everybody got the chance to long studies in english...

And to these people I'll answer "You are lucky that a french people develops a such software, as free and in english, he could be develop it only in french. So please, be tolerant..."

I am out $150,000 for the time I have spent contributing to Kicad, and this is a conservative wildly understated guess.
You say I am lucky.  I don't feel lucky.   Kicad is not free to everyone.

You could not be more wrong.

I will in fact now add you to my spam filter. Good luck with the other team members.


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