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Re: Concerns about clearing disagreements before committing.


To all,

PLEASE, do not act in the heat of moment. You all speak right and importrant things, but we all could clear our disagreements (as stated in title), and found a consensus, or see that our disagreements are essential, critical and irremovable. And only after that we could made a resolution. Every rift is a big drawback, so we should analyse all varians and carefully weight all drawbacks and benefits of our actions. Analyse and weight before it done. Masters have their own reasons to do things in their way, so we could understand them too.

Thank to masters, Kicad is in 'stand still' but is stable and good debugged, so their scepticism about changes is reasonable. For the code to be redesigned and lots of features to be added we should go back to highly experimental state. There should be enough 'coding force' and management resources to keep TWO projects (legacy KiCad and new KiCad) in living state. I hope we still be together despite of all conflicts.

P. s. I may be unavailable for a day or two to Kicad, excuses in advance.

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