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Re: Kicad preference questions


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 12:14:16PM -0500, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
> (lib_table
>   (lib (logical meparts)(type dir)(full_uri /tmp/eeschema-lib)(options useVersioning))
>   (lib (logical old-project)(type schematic)(full_uri /tmp/old-schematic.sch)(options ""))
>   (lib (logical www)(type http)(full_uri http://kicad.org/libs)(options ""))
> )

More or less I think I got the concept... an indirection table containing the search paths, thats fine for me... if it's readily accessible when moving stuff around.

That with the s-exp syntax remind me of how ASDF loads systems (if you know common lisp...); I still don't get why the search path is not adequate, but if the new system works for me its OK.

Module versioning instead *is* a good idea, I had some (fortunately little) trouble with that in the past.

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
