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Re: KiCad Project Tree improvements


On Apr 15, 2013 8:36 AM, "Andreas Butti" <andreas_b123@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Again to the tree and workspace, I try to explain why I would like to
have a workspace and automatically download, before we start discussing
about technical details. My fault... Please keep the focus first on the
usability part.
>> I however am not sure about the usefulness of being able to access
libraries and templates without going through a project first, as you can't
use them without one.
> A really important point.
> Currently there are all libraries come with KiCad in the folder
> I don't like that, because there are a lot of libraries which I never
will use, but there are not all libraries which I need. Some of then are
automatically loaded, and if I have to search something in the Library
Browser there is a lot of stuff which I even don't know.
> My proposal would be to strip down the "built in" libraries to a minimum,
which is really required.
> Then you create a workspace, call it for example AVR-Workspace, where you
download all Libraries to the workspace. In this workspace I can create my
projects which automatically have loaded all the libraries which are
installed in the KiCad folder AND in the workspace folder.
> Then it's much easier to use the Library browser, because there are not
hundreds of parts which I don't know.
> If you wish you can create a second workspace, e.g. PIC-Workspace where
only the PIC Libraries are installed etc.
> So, furthermore if we have this basis, it should be possible to integrate
search within Eeschema, press "A" to add a part, write e.g. "LM317", press
enter (assuming LM317 is not available) and a popup appears whit the
> LM317 was not found, would you like to install one of the following Libs
to your workspace?
> [KiCad Main Server: Somelib]
> [someuser.github.com: Anotherlib]
> etc.
> You select the source, the lib is automatically downloaded, installed
within the workspace and the LM317 is automatically added.
> But I would prefer an overview in the Project explorer. I think it should
also be possible to make dependencies between parts and footprints, so if I
install a PLCC6 RGB LED the matchin footprints should be installed
> This is about what I'm thinking about downloading libs. I'm waiting to
hear other opinions.

The conversation topic is too broad.  It will not get us anywhere.  Focus,
in sequence.

Talk pcbnew only, learn what is already underway.  Fp lib table has the
ability for subsetting fp libraries according to project.

> Andreas
> Am 15.04.2013 01:24, schrieb Carl Poirier:
>> Hi,
>> Welcome to the mailing list. I'm another user of KiCad in my free time.
>> I really like the idea of having an easy access to shared content on the
Internet from KiCad directly. I think it could be made to be much more
intuituive than doing a web search manually.
>> I however am not sure about the usefulness of being able to access
libraries and templates without going through a project first, as you can't
use them without one.
>> Carl
>> On Sunday, April 14, 2013, Andreas Butti wrote:
>>> Hi everybody
>>> I'm new to the KiCad mailing list. I'm a computer scientists, in my
free time I sometimes use KiCad.
>>> I had some Ideas to improve the project tree, and if the community
thinks they are useful I may can implement them.
>>> What I would change the tree to the following format:
>>> - Root: Workspace (instead of Project)
>>>     - Projects
>>>         - Project A
>>>         - Project B
>>>         - Project C
>>>     - Templates
>>>         -MyTemplate A
>>>         -MyTemplate B
>>>     - Libraries
>>>         - AVRs
>>>         - RGB LED PLCC6
>>> etc.
>>> If you now clicks to "Projects" you get on the right side the options to
>>> - Create a new Project
>>> - Create a new Project from Template
>>> If you click to "Template" you get the options
>>> - Create a new template
>>> - Search for templates [INPUT FIELD]
>>> - [List with newest online templates, can be downloaded]
>>> If you click to "Libraries"you get the options:
>>> - Create a new library
>>> - Search for libraries [INPU TFIELD]
>>> - [List with newest online libraries, can be downloaded]
>>> if you click to a Project you get the start screen you now have:
>>> - On top the buttons to start Eeschema, CvPcb etc.
>>> - Below is not the Log output, there is
>>>     - A Field for a Project Description (I think text, maybe RTF)
>>>     - A list to assign Libraries to the project. The Libraries are
managed in the workspace
>>> And now the technical background:
>>> Add workspace, new views on the right etc. is not much to do. It means
we need additional to the project also a workspace file.
>>> For downloading Libs or Template we have to opinions:
>>> - Define a standard, everybody who wants to provide libraries has to
implement this interface (e.g. REST)
>>> - Allow Plug ins
>>> I would do a mix of both, we should define a standard with REST, but
 we should implement the client in a scripting language. We can e.g. use
python or javascript. (e.g. https://developers.google.com/v8/embed)
>>> Then its easy to add 3rd party sites, e.g. if somebody wants to share
his libraries or templates on github it only needs a github client
javascript and we can access such libraries from main KiCad screen.
>>> What do you think about?
>>> Andreas
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