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Re: Python Scripting on Windows with KiCad-Winbuilder


On 4 August 2013 22:19, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Any platform detection tests can cause grief, since we do not claim to be
> Windows in the
> python runtime.  We claim to be "gcc compiled" with some other attribute
> that talks about
> OS (cannot remember).  If you were to do a diff across the entire bracket
> of a-ming-us
> revisions,
> bzr diff -r 1..latest  <regression tests>
> limited to the regression test directories,
> you will find one of the patches I applied to test for our platform
> specifically.  It will
> be the one with "gcc" in it.  We cannot report "Windows" as our platform
> because mingw and
> MSVC actually do a couple weird regression tests differently.
> If PyCrust is assuming a limited set of platforms, it may be coming up
> short and running
> into an unsupported platform code path.
> Dick

Thanks for the great information Dick. I've just done a quick test directly
through Python-a-mingw-us:

Python 2.7.4 (default, Mar 18 2013, 12:04:44) [gcc] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import wx
>>> app = wx.App(redirect=True)
>>> top = wx.Frame(None, title="PyCrust Helper",size=(800,300))
>>> import wx.py.crust
>>> cframe = wx.py.crust.CrustFrame(parent = top)
>>> top.Show()
>>> cframe.Show()
>>> app.MainLoop()

PyCrust crashes as soon as you focus on it. So this can at least be
debugged without KiCad sitting ontop.

PyCrust has worked previously with PyCrust because I've used it. So this
problem shouldn't be too bad to solve.

Thanks again.

Best Regards, Brian.

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