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Re: bzr is unmaintained. Should we move KiCAD repository to git too?


On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 01:08:54PM +0100, Kaspar Emanuel wrote:
> This discussion springing up on emacs-devel is likely relevant:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2014-01/msg00005.html

The linked article is actually very interesting (bzr being
decommissioned or not)... I partially agree with it but as always it
depends on workflow and use cases (in my experience for non-open source
usually a centralized system like SVN works better, expecially with idiot
programmers:D); that bzr is slow (acceptably slow, anyway) is undeniable but,
for example, strict immutability could be an asset (ask people writing
safety system, certification entities often mandates such kind of auditing
measures). A core developer gone missing also *is* a big issue...

OTOH it also says that it is a stable/reliable system, anyway. Still
they haven't fixed the proxy access issues...

Personally I'm neutral on the bzr vs git issue (slightly like git
better), but, for example, the 'commit ids' are not sequential and I don't like
that... (also the --amend could be interpreted as an 'history changer').

In short it's a pro/cons valutation. For inertia I'd keep bzr to avoid
changing stuff that works:P

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
