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Re: cvpcb is gone?


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 08:01:44PM +0200, jp charras wrote:
> Cvpcb needs a project because it uses the fp lib table set inside a
> project, which is not used by eeschema.

And then how does the footprint chooser work? eeschema accesses the .pro
file anyway for other things...

> Exchanges between Eeschema/Cvpcb and Pcbnew (cross-probing) cannot be
> made if there is more than on instance of each application.

Fine for that, I don't mind losing cross probing :D

The fact is, using eeschema and pcbnew quite intensely shows that they
aren't yet bulletproof enough... especially when working with the
keyboard there are still way too many crashes :( 

> Therefore, to allow exchanges, running Eeschema, Cvpcb and Pcbnew inside
> the same application ( to allow communication between these editors) is
> mandatory (and also to be able to run the footprint editor or the
> footprint viewer from the schematic editor or the schematic component
> editor).

I never thought that this was a good idea anyway (especially given how
the pseudomodal loop interacts badly with window managers and the other
system-dependent hacks which anyway more or less are working), and
I still think that a cleaner kind of IPC would have been a better
choice (even windows explorer these days supports multiple processes:P);


Since eeschema has clearly access to the project (and having it 'locked'
to the current schematic when launched from the manager is a big
liability and also you have the project window that you can't close
either), why can't it simply pass it to the cvpcb (in it's process
space, obviously) exactly in the way it calls the footprint chooser?

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
