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Re: VRML export


I forgot that you need also to add some code to toolbar to toggle Virtual option as e.g. Preferences Show Virtual

PS the thread was in April 2015 :)

On 25/02/2016 11.16, Mário Luzeiro wrote:
Hi Maurice,

.. back to discussion!

as I suggested it is possible to associate the Virtual option to a model
in pcb (Footprint Properties, Properties Tab, Attribute, Virtual)
and this is done without changing anything in the pcb format

I see, so that is a already implemented flag.
I checked the other threads, looks there was no much attention on that
and since nobody is reading us here :) I will open a new thread to discuss that "Virtual" attribute and if that could be used

that was an already available option now missing
It is not missing, it is not yet implemented in my branch :) .. the options is still there in same place.

it is a personal local branch...
Is it online? How do you get the "Virtual" attribute from the model?

Mario Luzeiro
From: easyw [easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 February 2016 20:45
To: Mário Luzeiro; Cirilo Bernardo; KiCad Developers
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] VRML export

In any case, I believe there is no elegant way to individual save that options locally.
as I suggested it is possible to associate the Virtual option to a model
in pcb
(Footprint Properties, Properties Tab, Attribute, Virtual)
(e.g. a silk/Fab model text to which the enclosure would be associated
or better an anchor hole/pad)
then, as I mentioned many times, it is possible to display or not
footprints that have Virtual attribute ... and this is done without
changing anything in the pcb format, nor in the local/global options
as you can see the info are available...

So it will take time.
if someone cares of

Related with Materials.
Please do not mix the two things.
You will get a proper way (I hope) to deal with virtual / mechanic / enclosures / ...
as already pointed out, it is a problem to display the board with pads,
flashing when moving the board, just to display 'nice' material props...
I just said let the user choose what to display... that was an already
available option now missing

I know that you are using the material option to show/hide enclosures,
no, I'm not, I use virtual attribute, I only suggested that with this
option also any other user would have this opportunity

I remember you have an option in your branch, what is the link for the branch?
it is a personal local branch...

