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Re: -Wsuggest-override with scripting enabled


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 7:10 AM, jp charras <jp.charras@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It works for me, but I had to  modify the patch
> the change in pcbnew/CMakeLists.txt is
>         set_source_files_properties(pcbnew_wrap.cxx pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx
>             PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-suggest-override
>         )
> instead of
>         set_source_files_properties(pcbnew_wrap.cxx
>             PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-suggest-override
>         )

That's seems strange that adding the file to that list would just
work. Since CMake doesn't know about that file (it's not declared as
an output or a compiled file anywhere), how does it ever get compiled
in the first place, let alone get special flags applied to it? Are you
sure the file is being rebuilt the second time?

I may have missed the warnings from the pcbnewPYTHON file, as they did
overrun my terminal scrollback, but on cleaning and rebuilding, I
don't actually see that file being created or compiled at all. I do
see pcbnew_wrap.cpp being created and compiled as expected. When do
others see that file appear in the build tree (I assume at the same
time as pcbnew_wrap.cxx?) and when does pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx appear
in the compilation output (approximately, exact result depend on
CMake's multithreading)?

GCC 6.2.1 is the compiler, CMake 3.6.2, SWIG 3.0.10, on Arch Linux.

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