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Re: -Wsuggest-override with scripting enabled


Le 06/10/2016 à 08:58, John Beard a écrit :
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 7:10 AM, jp charras <jp.charras@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It works for me, but I had to  modify the patch
>> the change in pcbnew/CMakeLists.txt is
>>         set_source_files_properties(pcbnew_wrap.cxx pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx
>>             PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-suggest-override
>>         )
>> instead of
>>         set_source_files_properties(pcbnew_wrap.cxx
>>             PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-suggest-override
>>         )
> That's seems strange that adding the file to that list would just
> work. Since CMake doesn't know about that file (it's not declared as
> an output or a compiled file anywhere), how does it ever get compiled
> in the first place, let alone get special flags applied to it? Are you
> sure the file is being rebuilt the second time?

I am sure *both* pcbnew_wrap.cxx and pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx were recompiled and must be in
set_source_files_properties list to avoid warnings.

In my install (W7, 32 bits, msys2), the file:
(Generated by "MSYS Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 3.4)
contains the commands to compile pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx

> I may have missed the warnings from the pcbnewPYTHON file, as they did
> overrun my terminal scrollback, but on cleaning and rebuilding, I
> don't actually see that file being created or compiled at all. I do
> see pcbnew_wrap.cpp being created and compiled as expected. When do
> others see that file appear in the build tree (I assume at the same
> time as pcbnew_wrap.cxx?) and when does pcbnewPYTHON_wrap.cxx appear
> in the compilation output (approximately, exact result depend on
> CMake's multithreading)?
> GCC 6.2.1 is the compiler, CMake 3.6.2, SWIG 3.0.10, on Arch Linux.

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
